Monday, October 25, 2004

Quiz: Who Would You Vote For, If You Voted On The Issues?

"Turnaround is fair play'" someone once said - at least I think that is what was said. Anyway, I've been getting comments here from st0rmwhispers lately. St0rm operates a classy dive down by the docks called "Storms Whisper And Oceans Scream" - I commend it to your consideration. St0rmy stole the thunder on my Classical Literature quiz, which I got from Shelly at Cybercholate which she got from someone (being a meme spreading from blog to blog is the point of these things, after all). The upshot of all this is *I* stole a quiz back from St0rm. It's particularly apropos, given my profound dislike for what President George Bush and his administration has done to the Republican Party and to this country in four short years (but an agonizingly slow passage of time, that).  As you no doubt know, if you read the drivel here on occasion, I have been urging the legal overthrow of Dubya and his cronies since I started this piece of fluff over a year ago.  It's interesting to see how far I have strayed from my Republican leanings in just four years. Utter contempt for a thief and incompetence will do that, I guess.

So, take a look at the
journalistic stylings of St0rmwhispers or jump straight to the quiz. You won't go wrong with either one. But do let us know how you make out with the quiz in the comments here or there.


You preferred Kerry's statements 60% of the time

Voting purely on the issues you should vote Kerry

Who would you vote for if you voted on the issues?

Find out now!

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