Friday, June 24, 2005

Sad News...

Sad news. Pam (AKA "his1desire"), a founding blogger on AOL with her journal Just One Girl's Head Noise announced last evening that she has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She'll let us all know the clinicians' recommendations regarding treatment on Monday.

Pam was the first person I "met" while beta testing AOL Journals back in July 2003. She has been a tremendous resource and was a fun foil for my humor when only a handful of folks were reading our journals.

It was my distinct pleasure to be the "goto guy" when she'd trapped a spider in her casserole dish and needed a venue to dispose of the little monster. Sadly, the arachnid didn't survive the shock of transplantation to the rigors of a Maine winter. And so it goes.

As most of my regular readers know, I'm an irreligious SOB. I can't offer prayers to support my friend in her time of need. I leave that to the devout amongst you. I stand ready to perform hangman's duty for critters of the more than one legged variety that may vex her world, but I have no solution for this problem.

While I'm saddened by her illness and the damage that fear of cancer has already done to her domestic tranquility, such as it was, I rage at the impotence I feel in dealing with the ineffable from 3000 miles away. So I call upon those of you in the Oakland & San Francisco Bay area to form a support system for one of your own. It's going to be a long, hard row to hoe, regardless of the treatment(s) chosen or not.

It's a lot I ask of you so easily from my frozen remove. But what am I to do? My wife would never stand for me taking an active role in the care and mental support of another woman, regadless of the circumstances - she's not that liberal-minded, for sure. I value the bits and pieces I still have that the surgeons haven't seen fit to remove, y'know?

My hat's off to you, Pam. I wish I could do more.

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