Sunday, August 14, 2005

Saturday Six - Episode 70

Patrick, novelist, television producer, raconteur, dog lover and bouncer of babies on his knee, asks questions each week. We, being loyal minions, answer. All is right at Patrick's Place.

Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit! If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment here. To be counted as "first to play," you must be the first player to either answer the questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific entry in your journal in which you answer the questions. A link to your journal in general cannot count. (Again, if you're playing for the first time, please be sure to say so in the comment!) Enjoy!

1. A reader to "Men's Journal" recently wrote about technological innovations, stating that there isn't any gadget he couldn't live without: "To see how vital technology is, spend a few days in the backcountry without your phone, pager, PDA, laptop, cappuccino machine, or MP3 player. You'll emerge cleansed and refreshed." Could you go a whole week really roughing it with no modern conveniences? Would you want to?

I've done it many times, for as long as several weeks at a time. Having said that, these days I need a portable power supply for my CPAP. My CPAP goes where I go – death can result if I sleep for extended periods of time without it.

2. What is the most you've ever paid for a:
A) Shirt - $75 for a Pendelton
B) Pair of Shoes - $125 – all leather wingtips
C) CD or Album - $22
D) DVD - $20
E) Book - $70
F) Vacation - $3500

3. Looking back at the answers to#2, which one was the most foolish?

The wingtips...

4. Take this quiz: Which snack food are you?

Ooooo healthy! You're an     apple!
What Snack Food are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

5. There are three wells: Love, Beauty and Creativity. If you could only drink from one of them, which would you choose and why?

Love... Beauty fades. Creativity withers under the glare of observation. Love is so terribly fragile, it is the one that requires nourishing yet delivers full measure of pleasure so long as you have it.

6. If you were another person, do you think you would be friends with the person you know as yourself?

More than likely not – who wants to befriend a crusty curmudgeon who smells like an old man in need of a sitzbath anyway?

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