Thursday, May 18, 2006

Meme: Wednesday Mind Hump

Between mouthfuls of lemon grass, his mallardness, RFDuck was heard to quack,"Hi humpers! Ready for another week of mind humping? Let's get started. This week's theme is rubber band day."

"All you have to do is . . . Name five things you can do with a rubber band. Get as creative as you like!"

To which I reply:
  1. Bind together a stack of mail. That's how I get all of my 1/4" X 3" circ. rubber bands.
  2. Use a bunch as auxilliary clamps while glueing woodworking projects, particularly blanks for turning on the lathe.
  3. Use a heavy duty, 1/2" x 1" circ. to hold together a lobster's claw, so it doesn't take a chunk out of you before it is cooked.
  4. Stretched thin, it can make a generic stringed instrument which may be plucked like a banjo or bowed like the double bass.
  5. A very small diameter, very heavy band that requires special pliars and strong hands to stretch can castrate a feeder hog in no time...
There's my humptastic contribution for this week. If you want to play along, just pay a visit to the Home Office and get a copy of the question for yourself while you leave a link to your answer.

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