Thursday, July 29, 2010

Not all spills get International responses...

I realize that the flood of news these days combined with the hectic pace we all seem to maintain is an easy excuse for overlooking serious events elsewhere. Like the woman who allegedly (admittedly) killed eight babies she has born since 1989 (Dunai - Nord, France). And so much punditry, hot air and national exhibitions of know-nothingness have been expended on the disastrous oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico that this little story on CNN may have escaped your attention:
Photo Credit: CNN

"(CNN) -- Rising waters from flooding in northeastern China hit a chemical plant and washed thousands of containers filled with explosive chemicals into a river, state media said Thursday."

Read the rest of the tale, here.


ThE MidLiFe CrUiSeR said...

It's so easy to not pay attention to the news when you don't get a TV signal. I had no idea this stuff was going on. Heartbreaking!

Anonymous said...

hmm... bet the pockets of the company behind those little blue barrels don't hold as much as bp's has...