via Pammy
Also see Vintage On-Line
Dear AOL Pictures User:
We are sorry to inform you that, as of December 31, 2008, AOL will no longer provide the AOL Pictures online photo service. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
The good news is that AOL has partnered with American Greetings® PhotoWorks® to enable continued access to your pictures through the PhotoWorks service. PhotoWorks provides unlimited free storage, just like AOL Pictures, as well as a variety of options for making creations and sharing your photos. You can access your images on PhotoWorks simply by providing your screen name and password to register for a free American Greetings PhotoWorks account. Register for PhotoWorks now.
While we recommend the American Greetings PhotoWorks option, you may also:
- Download your photos to your computer using a new tool that will enable you to quickly save multiple images and albums; or
- Purchase a DVD archive of your images. Please note there is a charge for the DVD archive based on the number of images you select.
It is important that you take action no later than December 31, 2008. After this date, you will no longer be able to access your images through AOL Pictures. You may choose from or combine any of the options listed above, based on your needs, as long as you do so by December 31.
Please go to AOL Pictures as soon as possible to register for American Greetings PhotoWorks for continued access to your pictures or to save your images on your computer or to DVD. Here, you will also find more information and step-by-step instructions on each of the available choices.
We sincerely appreciate your being an AOL Pictures user. It has been our pleasure to provide you with an enjoyable online photo experience.
The AOL Pictures Team
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The pirate replies, “Yar! It’s drivin’ me nuts!”
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Save the Planet
of Euthanasia
The One Commandment:
shalt not procreate"
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· sodomy