Otto offers up the questions at the Monday Madness Web site, so pick up a clean set for yourself and post a link to your answers over there as well as here so we can find you. The following questions are compliments of Elena......Thanks, Elena!! =) Hope everyone will have a wonderful week!
1. Are you more likely to rent or buy DVD's (VHS's)? Why?
2. If you rent DVD's, do you bother viewing the 'Behind the Scenes' or watching the entire movie again with commentary on?
3. Do you think these features warrant the extra cost for DVD? (After all, we were able to buy new release VHS for $9.99 prior to DVD).
4. What's your favorite DVD (or VHS) in:
*Drama - Philadelphia (Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington)
*Comedy - Currently, it's Runaway Bride, but just about anything Robin Williams does will change that. Shrek 1 & 2 are right up there in the pantheon, too.
*Action - The Lord of The Rings trilogy.
*Suspense/Thriller - Not my favorite category. If it has Morgan Freeman in it, I'll watch it. Ditto for Denzel Washington.
*Horror - My life is horror enough. While I like Laurell K. Hamilton's "Anita Blake - Vampire Hunter" series for fluff reading, I have yet to see a Hollywood or Indies vampire movie worth watching more than once. The rest of the genre leaves me uninterested.