Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Monday Madness - Favorites

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Somehow, the constant snow, PT appointments and other domestic concerns put me in the position of letting the Monday Madness slip right by me. Oh well, just another sign of getting older, I guess.

It's now so cold that Willow the Wunderhund stops at the door and gives me this "Aw shucks, do we have to go out?" scowl before mincing onto the subzero porch, hopping off the steps and plopping her fanny in the snow - no wasting 10 minutes searching out her caches of cat poop and other "goodies." It's down to business and back in to lie beside the kerosene stove. She's definitely a heat-seeking missle when indoors.

Otto has chosen a trip to the land of our favorites this week. You can get your own copy of this week's questions at the Monday Madness web site. Here's my faves, what are yours?

Name your favorite...

1. Family Game - Monopoly
2. Piece of Jewelry - Wedding Band (also the only jewelry I wear)
3. Winter Activity - Couch Potatoing, Plowing Snow
4. Hot Beverage - Coffee
5. Quote - I may not always be Right, but I'm never wrong.
6. Color on You - Navy Blue
7. Summer Activity - Sea Kayaking
8. Topping on Pancakes - Maple Syrup, preferably Vermont or Quebec in origin.
9. Musician - Yo Yo Ma
10. Author - Robert J. Heinlein

Have a great week. Look out for the crazies - they seem to all be out driving lately.

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