Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Night The Music Died...

For all the good it did us, we voted. At least our electronic vote tabulator has a locked bin that all the ballots go into after being read by the electronic tabulator. Unlike past Presidential elections, it took a total of 15 minutes in line to vote, even though it was 30 minutes after the end of first shift and there was a fair group in line to vote. A good thing, too. It was just starting to rain in earnest when we got in through the door. Seems I recall it did the same thing last time around --
poured like Hell's own reservoir had sprung a leak. Maybe that was indicative of the disappointment to come.

It's now after 2:30 eastern time and supposedly the only thing in Bush's way is Ohio. It doesn't look good for the future of this country at all.

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