Friday, August 22, 2003

Congrats to the AOL Beta Testers

AOL has declared this version of AOL Journals beta to now be 'Gold Master' or GM as they prefer to refer to it. Regardless of its faults, AOL Journals is being released to the masses. My sincere congratulations to all of those intrepid testers who have helped identify the worst of the problems before they made it out the door.

Having been testing this diversion for about a month, I find the sheer intrepidation of the folks at AOL is awesome. I was thinking about this last night. AOL has what, some 28 million customers? Assume that about 3% or around 1 million of those customers opt to give AOL Journals a try. Now assume that only 10% of them find the fact that "Journal entries are limited to a total of 2,500 characters. This includes spaces and invisible HTML that's used to add hyperlinks or change the look of your text." is truly abominable and complain via email and telephone calls to customer support lines about the matter. That'll be 100,000 or so customer complaints. I think they better hire on some additional help, don't you?

This entry has 1 comments:
    ya know olddog .. i'm wondering if this is a case of upper mgmt deciding when to release as GM .. feeling the urgent need to get *something* out to the public and then take their time in jazzing it up a bit

    then perhaps maybe we need to band together as beta testers and bombard them with bugs and suggestions en masse .. rather than perhaps a few errant comments .. oh yea .. a beta testers union lol

    Comment from his1desire - 8/22/03 4:41 PM