Thursday, January 05, 2006

MEME: Monday Music Mambo

Monday Music Mambo - Week 80 <--- Go there to get your own Mambo questions and leave a link to your answers, matey!

Happy New Year, everyone! I'm back with a new Mambo for a new year. Let's get started!

1. What are some new artists you discovered in 2005?

I've rediscovered Jeff Beck and through him, Imogene Head. Then there's Morphine. Loreena McKennitt. And Medeski, Martin & Wood. All in the space of four hours or so this evening. All thanks to listener-supported Internet Radio Perfection.

2. What musical things are you looking forward to in 2006? Concerts, new albums, new toys, etc.

Nothing in particular – I'm not that plugged into the music scene anymore. These days, I'm merely a listener and a casual one, at that. I rely on folks like the Mambomeister to do the discovery and pimping so I know what to look out for as it passes me by.

3. What is one song you'd like to use to ring in the new year?

The Spring of '65 by the Holy Modal Rounders (Rounder Records) and So Early In The Spring (trad.) a la The Pentangle – Sweet Child (1968) in a musical mosaic. To me, the new year begins with the Spring Solstice.

4. What's your favorite musical instrument? Or, if you're like me, what are your top five musical instruments?

If I could have only one instrument, I'd choose piano. But if I had five to choose from, I'd have a tenor sax, both six- and twelve-string guitars, a Kobe flute, a piano, a string bass... oh, you said five, didn't you. I'll stop with six. Although, I'd really like to include a harp, bag pipes, harmonica, concertina and drums. Oh my, tablas and skin rings, kettle drums and bass drums and...

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