Sunday, January 22, 2006

MEME: Sunday Seven - Episode 21

Last week's Sunday Seven had you hobnobbing with past presidents and grilling them about any subject you wanted answers to. Fortunately, I didn't ask you to list your questions for any of them...that might have been interesting, if potentially explosive! This week's question takes a completely different direction...and for some of you, it'll really put you in the fast lane.

Last week, Carly of " Ellipsis...Suddenly Carly ," was first to answer the question. Congratulations, Carly!

Here we go! You're in the driver's seat!

List up to 7 "dream cars" you'd like to own if money wasn't a factor. You don't have to necessarily choose the most expensive cars in the world, but just don't let cost be a factor in your decision. (Cars can be new or classic.)

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. (To be considered "first to play," a link must be to the specific entry in which you answered the question.)

Well, money being no object, I'd like a Mercedes Uni-Mog with all the great attachments: snow blower, backhoe/loader rig, camper back with winch... it'd be about a million bucks worth before we were done. Next in the stable would be an H1 Hummer, all tricked out with all the goodies including a .50 caliber machine gun and the laser cannon on the hood. A Stanley Steamer – just because. A 1972 SAAB Sonnet. A Porsche Boxer – any year. A late model Mercedes Benz diesel station wagon. And, finally, a Morris Minor woodie wagon from the 50's. I'm all about utility and going long distance in style and comfort rather than speeding my way there – most of the time.

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