Which Website are You?
"I've been done by the dangling dong of destiny."
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Extra Credit: Think of a piece of now-dated slang that should be brought back into circulation. Make it reasonably clean slang, please. Dear John, Tsk, tsk. Forgot to call for fuel. Signs of dementia this early in your life. Are you sure it isn't Crutzfeld-Jacobs Disease? I do know how you liked your steak in a past life (heheheh). So sorry to hear you are freezing your toes off this morning with the empty propane tank and all. I know the feeling. If I misjudge or simply fall asleep without topping off the stoves I awaken to a 40 degree or lower temperature here at La Casa Loca - hard to keep it warm inside when it's near 0°F outside and the joint was built over 150 years ago... Enough - we'll soon be complaining it's too hot. I just noticed the lawn mower needs repairs. Made a mental note to try to get them done before the end of April for a change, too. Who knows, maybe they'll invent a mask that allows me to mow the lawn without ending up on a respirator in hospital for a week. I think there are lots of events in history that will attract folk. Sadly, they'll also attract the Temporal Police. I have a profound respect for the capabilities of those dudes and haven't any desire to be hanging around anywhere they are likely to show. So I'm going to opt for something more personal. I have a large portrait of my mother as a young woman, painted by my grandmother. I'd like to be a fly on the wall, so to speak, and listen in to their conversation as mother painted posing daughter. Partially, I am fascinated as both women died before I became an adult, able to differ between the important answers and the mundane. Partially, I'd like to listen in on the expressed thoughts of a young woman, growing up in the middle of the Great Depression. And I suspect there is an element in me wishing to experience a simpler time for myself, before World War Two had destroyed the innocence of this society. Besides. Highly unlikely the old Time Patrol will be too worried about an old phart watching an artist paint a portrait on the shores of Lake Superior in 1936. Just the time to unleash my wrath upon the world... Give our best to Krissy and Athena. You are a lucky man -- your women grow more beautiful each day. Grins and giggles, bacon and eggs, wil Extra Credit: 23 Skidoo and Tyler, too! (Yeah, yeah, yeah -- I DO know I mangled this. "23 Skidoo" and "Tippacanoe and Tyler, too" are supposed to be separate phrases. That's why my proposed slang is worth bringing back. It makes sense to me and that is all that matters in my universe. Each week, ze überblogger John Scalzi challenges all and sundry with his meme Weekend Assignment. You can obtain untainted copies of each week's assignment and leave a link to your reply to John's query in the comments at By The Way. Weekend Assignment #12: Great Events: Thanks to time travel and invisibility, you can be on the spot for any important event of the last 100 years (1905 onward). Which important historical event do you choose? As a twist, if you actually were at an important historical event, you can't pick that one. Why? Because you were there already. What, you want to be there twice? Think of the paradox!
In Weblogs, Weirdness Hank Fox has a zoological meme to share: answer the Five Critter Questions. 1. Balto, of "All Dogs Go To Heaven" fame - he had a good heart. 2. More a case of 'least minding being this were creature' I'd like to be a WereOwl. A Great Horned Owl, with a reall kewl punk rock Mowhawk and tufts over my ears -- that's the ticket. 3. If my first German Shepherd Dog, Raj Kashim Lobo, Kashi for short, were to suddenly gain vocal and communications abilities equal to a human, I'd have two thoughts to convey. The first would be my sorrow for not having sufficient strength to put him down sooner, before his hip dysplasia had become totally disabling. Secondly, I'd express my profound sorrow that he'd been reduced to the communication skills of a mere human. 4. Meat, in all it's forms. I am a predator. It is my function to eat weaker, slower, stupider animals, regardless of whether they are self-aware or may experience pain, loss, etc. Just because you learn your prey has more empathic abilities than first thought doesn't mean you stop preying on them, now does it? Surely the shark couldn't give a rat's ass whether I feel pain or not. Why should I? 5. I think I'd prefer to be consumed by the fauna and flora first, then have my remains found by accident, leading to a real-life episode of CSI - my widow could use the residuals... Be sure to leave a link to your answers in the comments and over at Pharyngula, too. I really enjoyed thinking about this one :)Critter Questions
In Weblogs, Weirdness
Hank Fox has a zoological meme to share: answer the Five Critter Questions.
- What animal cartoon character would you most like to be real?
- If every species had a "were" form (like werewolves), what type of critter would you least mind being bitten by?
- If your dog or cat (living or long-gone) were to suddenly gain human intelligence, what would you most like to say to him or her? Give the animal's name and breed.
- If it were scientifically proven that animals had feelings and a sense of self just like humans, what animal-derived food would you STILL be reluctant to give up?
- If you died while camping alone in the wilderness, would you rather your body be recovered and buried in a cemetery, or remain undiscovered and be eaten by wild animals?
1. Balto, of "All Dogs Go To Heaven" fame - he had a good heart.
2. More a case of 'least minding being this Were creature' I'd like to be a WereOwl. A Great Horned Owl, with a really kewl punk rock Mohawk and tufts over my ears -- that's the ticket.
3. If my first German Shepherd Dog, Raj Kashim Lobo, Kashi for short, were to suddenly gain vocal and communications abilities equal to a human, I'd have two thoughts to convey. The first would be my sorrow for not having sufficient strength to put him down sooner, before his hip dysplasia had become totally disabling. Secondly, I'd express my profound sorrow that he'd been reduced to the communication skills of a mere human.
4. Meat, in all it's forms. I am a predator. It is my function to eat weaker, slower, stupider animals, regardless of whether they are self-aware or may experience pain, loss, etc. Just because you learn your prey has more empathic abilities than first thought doesn't mean you stop preying on them, now does it? Surely the shark couldn't give a rat's ass whether I feel pain or not. Why should I?
5. I think I'd prefer to be consumed by the fauna and flora first, then have my remains found by accident, leading to a real-life episode of CSI - my widow could use the residuals...
Be sure to leave a link to your answers in the comments and over at Pharyngula, too. I really enjoyed thinking about this one :)
- Grab the nearest book.
- Open the book to page 123.
- Find the fifth sentence.
- Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
- Don’t search around and look for the “coolest” book you can find. Do what’s actually next to you.
As you command.
"7. Little Hope Island
Barely a rock above high tide, it lies about 4 km (2 mi.) offshore."
-- From Sea Kayaking In Nova Scotia, 2nd. edition by Scott Cunningham, Nimbus Publishing, Ltd., Halifax, N.S., Canada, 2000.
Not exciting in the least, was it?
Minding my business, reading Shelley's blog, Cyber Chocolate, when this meme grabs me by the gonads and insists on my participation. I'm a little embarrassed about it, now that I think of it. See what it does for you...
"Weekend Assignment #48: Recount an amusing tale of a pet attacking someone or something. By "amusing," I mean that a) no one was seriously injured, least of all the pet (pet humiliation is okay), b) you laughed about it at the time, or sometime shortly thereafter. You know: Funny! Okay, then.
Extra Credit: Ever seen your cat/dog walk right into a sliding glass door? Do tell."
Dear John,
Damn, man, stop sending us your left overs, would ya? It's freezing here. It rained the other day. And snowed, And thundered and lightninged (¿word?). The high this past week was nearly 50º one afternoon... I sat in the car waiting for my wife, reading a book (Laurell K. Hamilton's Incubus Dreams, if you must know) with the window down for over an hour! We had two foot of snow last weekend. You gotta stop this nonsense and send this crap due East to Pennsylvania and New York ... we just don't need it up here.
I've wracked my brain cells, the few not occupied with the 2005 Sports Illustrated's "Swimsuit Edition," that is, and for the life of me I can't come up with any tales about a pet attacking anything in an amusing or humiliating way. Lucifer, the inside cat, learned to box with me at an early age when I would head to bed and he was just coming up on "Cat Crazy Time." He'd stick a paw out between the bannister on the landing and I'd pop it with my finger. Silly game, fun at the time, it has morphed into hiding in the dark and attacking feet and ankles as they go by. I think it is cute. SWMBO finds it annoying to the nth degree as he mostly attacks her when she is wearing a nightgown. So nothing amusing on the pet front. Perhaps it is because most attacks in the country involve blood and death. I had a German Shepherd Dog once that would spend hours stalking wood chucks. He seemed to consider them as much of a nuisance as I did and he took great pride in killing two or three a month. He'd also run deer if allowed to, so he only got to go out during non-winter months unescorted. We once had a cat that prided himself on being the "great white rabbit hunter" ... I'd see him coming from the woods, dragging a carcass nearly as big as he was, howling to beat the band, as if to say, "Look at me!" Invariably the wife took a dim view and the kids thought finding dead bunnies on the doorstep to be "gross, Dad, make him stop!" As if I had any control over the matter.
Nothing funny about dead bunnies. But Mother Nature has dealt me a blow the past couple of weeks which you will find amusing. I have a rabid sparrow stalking me in my office. You read me right the first time. A sparrow stalking me. Actually, I think he's stalking himself, but we won't tell him that. It'd ruin all his fun.
I have three windows in the office. Two look to the North on the side towards the neighbor. The other looks to the East and the highway. My office is off the living room ( a parlor, actually, but we don't have use for one of those anymore, what with modern embalming practices and all). The living room also has a window looking East with an air conditioner in it, as well as two windows looking over the dooryard, which is the demesnes of the feral cat population. The window in my office nearest me has the limb of a gum tree just beyond it; sometimes the branches scrape the wall of the house in a bad blow. In that tree, for the past couple of weeks, a sparrow has taken up residence. Rather, he has taken his place on the jousting pitch. And he pitches a fit, too. Pretty much all day long, he sits on the branch and attacks his reflection in the glass. If he notices me shooing him away, or if the inside cat, Lucifer, perches his butt on the fax machine and props his paws on the window, the sparrow will go to one of the other windows mentioned above and continue his attacks. But they haven't got branches to launch onself from, so he returns to the window just beyond my head frequently. Too frequently, if you ask me.
I haven't been able to compose a single line of prose during the daylight hours since his arrival. He has hit the window so much and so hard that his beak is a glowing red, as are his eyes. The aforementioned cat finds him endlessly fascinating and I have a running battle to keep the cat off the office equipment nearest the windows (no doors on the room in order to coax some heat in from the stove in the living room). In his fervor to jump at the bird, the cat has turned off the answering machine twice, faxed his tail to the dairy once and printed about fifty blank pages, which represents just how little I have managed to write over the past couple of weeks.
I know that the bloody bird is protected by Federal laws, else I'd have shot the nuisance by now. The outside cats won't mess with him - they consider him on par with the Wandering Jew, I suspect. I can just hear the alpha male -- Pumpkin -- reply to my query now.
" Muy loco, man, we won't mess with that mojo. That bird is crazy, yo!"
So Lucifer is destroying the office, I am losing valuable nap time to the constant tap, tap, tap at the window, nothing has been written and that is definitely bad. I need my beauty sleep. My wife considers my lack of progress solving the matter to be suspect and I am starting to lose my grip on sanity. Wait, there's more... they're forecasting snow for Monday. Oh joy...
Give our best to Krissy and Athena. Keep plugging away and we'll do the same. See you next week ... same bat-channel, same bat-time.
Weekend Assignment #47: Reveal Your Teenage Celebrity Crush! Oh, come on. We all had one. Share yours, and tell us why that particularly celebrity tripped your teenage trigger.
Extra Credit: Tell us: Do you still have a little teeny bit of a crush on that celebrity? Yes? No? Maybe so?
Dear John,
I finished Old Man's War this week and look forward to the sequel. You did a nice job with it and I am pleased to have read it.
During most of my teen years I went to an all-male school, lived in an all-male family and rarely saw television or movies. This obviously affected how I viewed women - I tended to put them on a pedestal (still do) and worshipped from afar. I think my biggest "crushes" -- if they can truly be called that -- focused on Nancy Sinatra, Peggy Lipton and Michele Phillips. Oddly enough, most of the women that I dated in high school and college were of the willowy blonde appearance, too. My first wife fit that description when I first met her. In fact, that "look" does it for me today, too.
I suppose I am genetically programed to seek out women who look that way, due to the fact that my mother was the proverbial blonde-haired "five foot two, eyes of blue" having something to do with it. But truth be told, I wouldn't consider my lust for leggy, blonde, A-cup warblers to be "crushes" as I understand and have experienced the term. I've had crushes over real people, simply inaccessible. But they weren't celebrities. And there's no way on this little green and blue ball of mud that I would reveal who they might have been, if only to protect the innocent.
Anyway, I have upwards of 18" of snow to shovel in the morning if I'm going to get my wife to work tomorrow, so I'm going to knock off now and make some supper and turn in early. Four AM comes all too quickly. As always, give our best to your better halves. Don't forget the impending Valentine's Day, if you want Krissy and Athena to continue talking to you.
Grins and giggles,
P.S. Saw Terry Garr on "What's My Line" this morning on WE (don't ask) and am reminded what a super-hot babe I found her to be in the sixties and early seventies. I guess I did have a few Celebrity Crushes, after all. And for the record, I'd gladly spend time playing 'find the love monkey' with Terry if Stockard Channing was busy.
P.P.S. She Who Must Be Obeyed (SWMBO) awoke with a migraine and called in sick Friday morning, postponing the inevitable clash with the white stuff. At midnight Friday night, we had 24" and it was just ending ... but the winds are building and the drifting will start in earnest any time now. Willow the Wunderhund refuses to go out as her feet can't touch the ground so she can't even hop around trying to make a suitable hole in the snow to squat in. I don't look forward to shoveling tomorrow.
Saturday Six - Episode 44
Playing is simple: you can either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal over at Patrick's Place so that everyone else can visit! If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment there. (And if you're playing for the first time, please be sure to say so in the comment!) Enjoy!
1. What one song or melody can make you smile even when you're having a rotten day?"Spring of '65" -- Holy Modal Rounders. Also, Tuli Kupferberg's "I Like Boobs A Lot" by the Fugs.
2. What are your plans for the day? How much of it do you think you'll actually accomplish? Sunday's plans include some shopping for Valentine's Day so I am allowed to remain in my home on Monday. Maybe go to the Mall or Walmart's, as I need a new watch battery and it requires one of those special wrenches to screw the back off of the watch. If the weather is nice, I think the "Free Freddy" ceremony will happen, assuming he didn't freeze to death sitting in the mailbox for 3 hours on Saturday before he was retrieved. There's a 50% probability of anything happening, but I predict dire consequences if I fail to do V-Day shopping. SWMBO hasn't got a sense of humor when it comes to her favorite day of the year.
3. What television show do you most enjoy watching when you're all alone and can devote your complete attention to it? West Wing, CSI, Cold Case Files.
4. What was the last thing you remember arguing with someone about? I'm pretty sure it was with my wife, it was something trivial, like what to have for supper.
5. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #45 from Bud: Inspired by this article on cell phone technology, he asks, "What is your most aggravating public experience with a cellphone user?" Many years ago, whilst I was sitting in a nice restaurant listening to a chamber music quartet (harp, piano, violin and cello) playing something by Mozart when the less than dulcet ringtones of "Bill Baily" shattered the mood, to be answered by a 60-ish brassy blonde who sells real estate and had all of the personal couth and vocal volume control of Foghorn Leghorn. When I asked the Maitre d' to intervene, I was looked at as if I was nuts. So I did my best "Wild Man of Borneo" imitation, went to her table, and whispered into her ear that if she didn't turn the phone off immediately, I would disembowel her with a butter knife. My date was "mortified" and that was the last I saw of her. Sadly, I've had to deal with Ms. Ima Important Realtor many times since. All I have to do is wave a butter knife and she turns off her phone ... and they say Pavlov had to use bells!
6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #46 from Stacy: Did you watch the Super Bowl and if you did, do you like the commercials, the half-time show OR the ceremony following the game the best? I watched the last part of the fourth quarter, starting about two and a half minutes out. No half-time, no award ceremony -- just the critical last two minutes. It was way more than enough for me. Hats off to the Eagles for a late rally and to the Patriots for pulling off the win despite that rally.
Weekend Assignment #47: Reveal Your Teenage Celebrity Crush! Oh, come on. We all had one. Share yours, and tell us why that particularly celebrity tripped your teenage trigger.
Extra Credit: Tell us: Do you still have a little teeny bit of a crush on that celebrity? Yes? No? Maybe so?
Dear John,
I finished "Old Man's War" this week and look forward to the sequel. You did a nice job with it and I am pleased to have read it.
During most of my teen years I went to an all-male school, lived in an all-male family and rarely saw television or movies. This obviously affected how I viewed women - I tended to put them on a pedestal (still do) and worshipped from afar. I think my biggest "crushes" -- if they can truly be called that -- focused on Nancy Sinatra, Peggy Lipton and Michele Phillips. Oddly enough, most of the women that I dated in high school and college were of the willowy blonde appearance, too. My first wife fit that description when I first met her. In fact, that "look" does it for me today, too.
I suppose I am genetically programed to seek out women who look that way, due to the fact that my mother was the proverbial blonde-haired "five foot two, eyes of blue" having something to do with it. But truth be told, I wouldn't consider my lust for leggy, blonde, A-cup warblers to be "crushes" as I understand and have experienced the term. I've had crushes over real people, simply inaccessible. But they weren't celebrities. And there's no way on this little green and blue ball of mud that I would reveal who they might have been, if only to protect the innocent.
Anyway, I have upwards of 18" of snow to shovel in the morning if I'm going to get my wife to work tomorrow, so I'm going to knock off now and make some supper and turn in early. Four AM comes all too quickly. As always, give our best to your better halves. Don't forget the impending Valentine's Day, if you want Krissy and Athena to continue talking to you.
Grins and giggles,
P.S. Saw Terry Garr on "What's My Line" this morning on WE (don't ask) and am reminded what a super-hot babe I found her to be in the sixties and early seventies. I guess I did have a few Celebrity Crushes, after all. And for the record, I'd gladly spend time playing 'find the love monkey' with Terry if Stockard Channing was busy.
P.P.S. She Who Must Be Obeyed (SWMBO) awoke with a migraine and called in sick Friday morning, postponing the inevitable clash with the white stuff. At midnight Friday night, we had 24" and it was just ending ... but the winds are building and the drifting will start in earnest any time now. Willow the Wunderhund refuses to go out as her feet can't touch the ground so she can't even hop around trying to make a suitable hole in the snow to squat in. I don't look forward to shoveling tomorrow.
I say ... and you think ... ?
"There is no need to go to India or anywhere else to find peace. You
will find that deep place of silence right in your room, your garden or
even your bathtub." -Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
"Squeezing our money out of politicians is more difficult than squeezing blood from a turnip. To paraphrase an Oscar Hammerstein love song, once they have found a way to take our money, they never let it go." -- by Cal Thomas
Not true. You just need to let it filter through State Government's hands, call it Aid For Dependent Children (AFDC) or Medicaid, and watch the boondoggling begin.
It's Super Bowl Weekend, so naturally, there had to be a Super Bowl Weekend Assignment from John Scalzi, "blog-father" to the AOL Journals community, author, husband, father , and cheap date:
Weekend Assignment #46: Make one new rule to apply to the Super Bowl. This new rule can apply to any aspect of the Super Bowl, from the game to the spectators, to the halftime show, to the commercials. If it's got something to do with the Super Bowl, you can make up a rule about it.
Extra Credit: Your pick for winner of the Super Bowl. Naturally, don't bother doing the extra credit if it's Sunday evening.
Dear John,
How nice of you to ask for our input on this year's NFL Super Bowl Rule Changes. I, being the hairy, hoary curmudgeon that I am, would prefer to see the TOTAL ABOLITION OF AMERICAN AND CANADIAN FOOTBALL. Come on, John. The rest of the world plays football. We play some cretinous version of a field combat exercise, without benefit of the busted heads and bodies of true Rugby players, from which Am-Can football is derived. It's like Capture The Flag, without the flag. It's a disgrace. Enough said.
As always, our love to Krissy and Athena. That photo you had on By The Way yesterday of Athena really upset me - not only does she look like she's growing by leaps and bounds, but she doesn't have her seat belt fastened! Very disturbing. I don't care what you do - you're an adult. But there is no excuse for not having a child belted in. I have spent too much of my time dealing with maimed and dead children from motor vehicle collisions (not "accidents" -- there is no such thing) to let the matter pass without comment, John. I do hope it was just an anomaly from having her picture taken, but it sure looks like the belt is clipped in to silence the buzzer... and if that is the case, foo on you ... may the Great Bird of Foo do it's thing on you.
Grins and giggles,
P.S. The Patriots. Because they are the home team where I live and certain death would accrue if I suggested the team I grew up rooting for, even if they are a bunch of bums and miscreants.
Solar X-rays: Geomagnetic Field: |
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My blog is worth $34,436.94.
How much is your blog worth?
moon phases |
Save the Planet
of Euthanasia
The One Commandment:
shalt not procreate"
The Four Pillars:
· abortion
· sodomy