Sunday, February 06, 2005

Saturday Six - Episode 43

Patrick unloads the detritus from his mind weekly, along about now. He's been in some pretty strange moods lately, judging from the questions. Time to get yourself a woman, Patrick, my boy... See for yourself over at his blog and be sure to leave a link to your own answers to the SatSix questions in the comments while you're there.
1. What is your favorite restaurant to visit for breakfast and what do you order?
It's called Governor's Restaurant and I usually opt for a Monte Carlo - two pieces of French Toast made with homemade bread, cheddar cheese, a slab of Canadian Bacon and genuine maple syrup. My cardiologist would have her own heart attack just watching me!
2. Do you have any unique ability like those who appear on David Letterman's "Stupid Human Tricks?" If so, how did you learn you had this talent?
Not I. Talentless I am, I yam, Sam.

3. There are plenty of sites on the Internet for pen pals; some of them are specifically designed for communicating with people in prison. Have you ever or would you begin corresponding with a stranger who was in prison?
The thought has never occurred to me. Besides, I'm busy enough writing to all my relatives in prison anyway...
4. Name two questions you have always wanted to ask a pair of identical twins.
Frankly, the matter of identical twins hasn't occupied too much time in the cavernous hallways of my mind. I suppose, given the opportunity of interrogating identical twins, I'd want to know how much they made when they did their Doublemint™ gig, and I'd probably ask some off the wall question regarding shared orgasm...
5. If you looked back at your high school yearbook photos, what is more embarrassing? Your hair, your clothes, your glasses, or your complexion?
My glasses ... hair is a distant second, but still an issue.
6. If you had to change the color of one of the following, which would you change and why: the walls in your living room, your car, or your eyes.
The color of my living room walls - they're a soothing green, but I'd prefer a sharp, cool yellow.

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