But, truth be told, I can't make myself take it too seriously when the days (and nights) are as glorious as they have been of late. Perfect 68 degree days with breezes and sun and clouds and passing showers. Leaves are turning, the fields are a mass of goldenrod yellow.
I can barely breathe. My head is occupied by cotton-wool and someone has been sneaking cinders behind my eyelids as I sleep. Claritin and Benedryl are my most constant companions. My wife actually asked why I bought the 6-pack of the large boxes of tissues the other day. She has a short memory of my annual miseries. It tis the best time of year here and probably the most miserable time for my allergies. Can sinus headaches for weeks on end be far away? Nope. They'll arrive along with that nasty cold white stuff that provokes the "S" word... and I'm not referring to feces, neither!
Listen to me rant - the bloody hurricane had no effect upon us here, other than to force an extra week of 70-plus temps with some humidity our way. Life should be so awful for you, too.
Happy Autumn, wherever you are in the Northern hemisphere. Welcome, Spring, for my friends down under y los que vivir en America del Sur und Afrika. Be well, wherever you may be.