Monday, June 26, 2006

John Scalzi's Weekend Assignment #117: Chores You Hate

John Scalzi's Weekend Assignment #117: Chores You Hate

Why is this trash can trying to eat my head? Perhaps as a reaction to this week's Weekend Assignment:

Weekend Assignment #117: We all have to do chores around the house. Which chore do you like to do the least?

Extra Credit: Do you recycle?

Dear John,

I cook, I chauffeur, I even change babies. I walk dogs, clip toe nails and express anal glands. I castrate hogs, kill rabbits and chickens and clean them for kitchen use. I can butcher a hog or steer. I can kill, cut and wrap four sheep in a day by myself with only a steel-pipe tripod and a few knives to work with.

Just don't ask me to do the dishes ... or empty the god damn litter box, either.


Postus scriptous: We have “forced recycling” here. I hates it. Yes, yes I do, Precious. It costs me tax monies I can ill afford to do something that should be voluntary in this great, profligate, waste-not-want-not, throw-away society.

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