Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sunday Seven - Episode 79

When we were kids, we all loved the zoo. Nowadays, unless you have kids, it has probably been a while since you've visited, so this week's question might tap your memories.

But first, though Lissette of Crafty Girly was first to play last week! Congratulations, Lissette!

On to this week's question!

Name your seven favorite animals to see at the zoo.

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. (To be considered "first to play," a link must be to the specific entry in which you answered the question.)

The fact of the matter is I haven't been to a zoo in many, many, years. I'm more of an aquarium afficonado, myself. Still, I've been a few times, so here we go:

  1. Polar Bears

  2. Penguins

  3. Wolves

  4. Elephants

  5. Lions

  6. Tigers

  7. Giraffes

There you have my choices. What are yours?

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