Monday, April 25, 2005

Meme: Monday Madness - Mud Season

Otto writes: "It's spring here in Michigan, but the weather today does not reflect that. My inspiration for this week's questions came from my mom suggesting the subject be SPRING! Thanks, Mom!! And thank you all for playing!!"  =)

1. What season are you in right now? Mud Season
2. Do you celebrate anything special this time of year? Snow melting.
3. Name 3 things that come to mind when you think of spring (or your current season)? Mud, rain, snow.
4. In the current season, about how many hours of the day are daylight hours? 11
5. Do you do any 'spring cleaning?' I don't clean at other times of the year, why do anything different?
6. Do you wash your own car or take it to the car wash? Car wash - after pot hole season ends.
7. Do you hang your laundry out on a clothesline on nice days? Yes, and on bad days, too. The line is under cover on the kitchen porch.

Get yourself a copy of the questions and leave a link to your answers in the comments at the Monday Madness site. Have a great week, dahlinks.

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