Saturday, April 30, 2005

Meme: Saturday Six #55

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Each week, Patrick, disguised as Pattboy92 - mild-mannered newsboy and promos producer, posits a series of questions designed to elicit revealing answers. Your job, if you choose to accept it, would be to acquire a set of questions for yourself, answer them in your own blog or journal and then post a link in the comments to this week's Saturday Six at Patrick's Place for the whole world to see. I am told by reliable sources that a highball or two make the whole process so much easier...

1. What do you tend to focus on the most?
A. The past.
B. The present.
C. The future as you think it will be.
D. The future as you are afraid it will be.

2. Name three famous people (living or dead) whose blogs you would like to be able to read.

Samuel Clemens (AKA Mark Twain), Will Rogers and Johnny Carson -- they all had funny POV's.

3. How long have you lived in your current residence? How much longer do you intend to live in the same place?
I have lived here for 28 years and I expect to die under this roof ... how far in the future that event may be is anybody's guess.

4. Take the
pointless quiz: What color is your heart?

My Heart is Red

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

5. How many of AOL's journalers have you met in person? How many have you spoken with by telephone?

Finally, an easy one -- none and none.

6. RAPID FIRE Question #2: Who or what is the most annoying:
a) Politician -
George Bush
b) Late Night Talk Show Host -
David Letterman
c) Color -
Avocado Green
d) Habit -
Cell Phoning in public
e) Female Celebrity -
Paris Hilton
f) Male Celebrity -
Adam Sandler
g) Television Show -
Anything on FOX
h) Commercial -
Exercise machines & diet pills
i) Fashion Statement -
platform heels
j) Word -

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