Sunday, April 03, 2005

Unconscious Mutterings #113

I say ... and you think ... ?

1. Renewal:: overdue
2. Someone to talk to:: friend
3. Count:: Chocula
4. Expiration:: date
5. Upload:: file
6. Publish:: novel
7. Holy:: shit!
8. Change in the air:: weather
9. Titillating:: old maids (???)
10. Glorious:: sunset

I haven't a clue where "old maids" came from and I didn't have an image of the card games, it was an image of my Great Aunt and her cronies having tea on the veranda of her summer home in Sorrento, Maine. I wasn't more than 5 at the time ... that's be 1955 for the mathematically challenged.

AOL will have a problem with the "S" word, so will change it to something their bot doesn't recognize as being bad in American English. The rest of us know dung from Dunkirk, however.

Get your own list and leave a link to your answers over at La Luna Nina. Remember, muttering under your breath is a subversive activity guaranteed to get you thrown out of a George Bush "Town Meeting." So keep muttering and leave them wondering what's gotten into your bonnet.

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