Monday, September 05, 2005

Let Them Eat ...

The Bush Administration's principal spin doctors pulled a fast one the other day that I hope leads to their demise. They lied to the press, saying that the Governor of Louisiana was slow to declare a “State of Emergency.” The facts are easy to check – there is a copy of the Governor's declaration on the State of Louisiana government web site. But the loons at the editorial desk at two of the more powerful media outlets, The Washington Post and Newsweek magazine didn't bother to check the accuracy of the statement by Karl Rove. Instead, they accepted a clearly erroneous statement and went to press with it. The Washington Post at least managed to get a correction out by mid-afternoon after a sufficient number of irate readers had informed them by phone and email of the lie they had printed. Not so easy for Newsweek as their entire press run was already complete and out the door to the distributors nationwide. It will be a week before they can wipe the egg from their faces. It'll be forever that the mistake lives on in that issue of the number two weekly news magazine.

The time for lies to stop is now. This administration seems to feel that lies are what the public wants to hear.It is time for the public to make their distaste known. Perhaps a march on the White House, with a mass defecation on the lawn? Just a little return of the goods the Bush Administration seems to think it's appropriate to feed Americans. Perhaps our beleaguered farmers can see their way to delivering a fresh load of cow, chicken or, better yet, pig manure to the White House South Lawn, turn those manure spreaders up to high and deliver the goods over the wall. Or maybe some talented urban guerrillas can fashion a blockage of the sewage system, resulting in the President getting to see first hand what his aids and flunkies have been dishing up to an unwary public. Yeah, that's the ticket – let the Bush Administration drown in it's own shit – see if they like it as little as the folks in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.

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