Saturday, June 18, 2005

Meme: How Will You Die?

You know how it goes. You're reading along in your blogroll and suddenly an entry grabs you by the throat, throttles you and refuses to release until you pay attention to it. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. All blame for the morbid character of the quiz belongs to its creator; blame for my participation rests in the lap of Mark at Witnit.

Suicide --- 100%

Disappear --- 100%

Disease --- 80%

Eaten --- 73%

Bomb --- 67%

Suffocated --- 67%

Stabbed --- 60%

Posion --- 53%

Drowning --- 47%

Accident --- 40%

Natural Causes --- 33%

Gunshot --- 13%

Cut Throat --- 7%

How Will You Die??
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