Sunday, June 26, 2005

MEME: Sunday Brunch -- Love is...

Erica was heard to mutter with her mouth full, "I have NO idea where this white space came from. It must be a blogspot problem! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!"

"This thing called love, I just can't handle it-
This thing called love, I must get round to it-
I ain't ready...Crazy little thing called love!"
-Freddie Mercury

Let's talk about looooove. (Rhymes with grooooove)

1) Are you currently married or involved with a significant other? Give specifics and length of time that you have been with that person.

Nosey, ain'tcha? Alright, as Ooshka noted in a comment yesterday, I am SWMBO'd. Get your mind out of the gutter - it stands for "She Who Must Be Obeyed" and it was the favorite appelation of good old Rumpole, of "Rumpole of the Bailey" fame, for his wife.

We were married in April, 1999. Ooshka was a witness to the sordid event, so I guess he has the right to refer to the occasion in disparaging tones, LOL. We got hitched a little over a year after meeting in the flesh (that'd be about sixteen months after meeting online to a noose around my neck, er, ring on my finger).

2) Where did you meet your significant other?

In an adult chat room on AOL. She was cruising through chats, popped in and found something I "said" to be amusing, read my profile, got puzzled about part of it and finally, to avoid bursting with curiousity, had to ask what "frog poaching" is ... it was all down hill from there.

3) What is your anniversary or special day of ANY kind and what did you do on that day with your significant other?

April Fool's Day is our anniversary. I haven't any excuse to forget, either -- my parents were married on the same day, fifty years earlier. We have another significant date, which is the 27th of the month, aka "Renewal Day." The distaff side will have to be the one to reveal what that date is all about.

4) What is the nicest thing that a person that you are or have been involved with has done for you?

She married me despite all of my faults!

5) Do you have a special song or movie or place with your significant other? Describe.

While I am impervious to such tomfoolery, I suspect my wife would disagree and whap me upside de head. Still and all, nothing comes to mind, more is the pity.

Each week, Erica doles out the questions and I answer. You know how this works - get your very own set of questions and leave a link in the comments to your answers over at the Sunday Brunch. You can even sign up to get them in email, hot off the ironing board. Or something like that. Women don't iron much any more...

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