You Are Fish |
![]() You have a well formed palate and a daring appetite. If it's served to you, you'll at least try it. People are pretty scared of your exotic ways. But once they get a taste of you, they're addicted! |
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Stupid Quiz Time
Monday Madness on Tuesday...

Otto let fly with “Since this past weekend was Memorial Day weekend, I thought I'd challenge you to do the following...
With the letters from Memorial Day, let us know what you did this past weekend.”
M – ostly, I hung out,
E – eating good grub
M – ade some steaks
O – r listened to music
R – ead some blogs and a couple of books
I – even walked the dog a few times
A – and gave the cat a good scritching behind the ears
L – oves it, he does.
D – id a few entries here in the Snooze
A – nd mostly kept out of trouble
Y – ou slow down when you get old, y'know?
Want to play along? Get yourself on Ms. Otto's mailing list and get with the program. Just click that banner up top to get started.
Monday Music Mambo - Week 101 Keep The Change!
Hi everyone! Have a good weekend? Today is Keep The Change Day, but I don't know how to make that into a musical meme. So we'll make a playlist instead.
A song you love a lot right now: My Humps – Black-Eyed Peas
A song that came out in your senior year of high school: White Rabbit – Jefferson Airplane
A song about a woman: Suzanne – Leonard Cohen
A song with curse words: Closing Time – Leonard Cohen
A song with a great guitar solo: The Star-Spangled Banner – Jimi Hendrix live at Woodstock
A song by a Canadian: The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald – Gordon Lightfoot
A song you hate: Macarena – Los del Rio
A song other people hate but you love: Nothing comes to mind. I like lots of things that some other folks dislike, but nothing comes to mind that everyone else dislikes. The joy of Jello for brains.
A song covered by at least two other bands or artists: Where Have All The Flowers Gone by Pete Seeger & Joe Hickerson, covered by The Lettermen, Peter, Paul & Mary, Bob Dylan, Marlene Dietrich, Jackson Browne & Bonnie Raitt, etc.
A song without vocals: Classical Gas – Mason Williams
The rules are, there are no rules!!! All you need to do is copy and paste the above questions into your blog and add your responses. After you've finished, return here and leave us a comment so we'll know you've Mamboed. Be sure your Mambo is linked back to so others can dance too.
Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. If one of the questions doesn't inspire you then simply "pass" it. Just use your imagination and dance like crazy!
If you don't have a blog or you're an exhibitionist *woo hoo* feel free to Mambo right here in our comments section. There's absolutely no pressure ... although it's called the Monday Music Mambo you can Mambo on any day.
Until next time, this is your music-lovin' Mememeister saying have a good Monday and a good Mambo!
A Horrible Way To Die...

What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?

You will swallow some tacks. You are a little weird, maybe not so much in a good way. Buy a yellow tie and wear it on your head.
Take this quiz!

Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Monday, May 29, 2006
MEME: Sunday Seven -- Episode 39
Most Sunday newspapers contain a large real estate listing. You might want to have this close by when you tackle this week's question.
But first, Antonette, of "Jottings From Jersey," was first to answer last week's question about blogging pet peeves. Congratulations, Antonette!
On to the newest challenge!
Consider your "Dream House." Now name seven features, either of the house or the lot itself, that would be required for it to really be your "Dream House."
Location: An isolated section of temperate coastline
Style: Earth-sheltered modern concrete structure, utilizing passive solar as well as active solar; steel storm shutters over all windows capable of withstanding a Class 4 Hurricane in situ without suffering permanent harm.
Overall Layout: A master sleeping wing isolated from main living area for reduction/elimination of noise and light intrusion; former children's wing converted to a guest apartment with it's own kitchenette and separate entrance to allow private egress.
Kitchen: a wood-fired stove and oven in addition to modern appliances and surfaces.
Utilities Room: Addition of a raised tub for dog washing in addition to the usual laundry and rest room functions; ability to isolate and heat only this area to reduce costs during winter months when traveling.
Special Features: Fully functional 13R sprinkler system, an escape tunnel, protected and guarded with remote safety egress on surface.
Detached 3 car garage/shop with a second story I could devote to model railroading.
If you want to play along, click on the banner up above to snag yourself this week's questions and to leave a link to your answers in the comments at Patrick's Weekender. Just tell him “Wil sent me!”

Sunday, May 28, 2006
Subliminal: Unconscious Mutterings -- Week 173

10 hours, 25 minutes ago
I say ... and you think ... ?
Bounce :: back
Wasting time :: tarrying
Utility :: pole
London :: Bridge
Pregnant :: again?
Cranberry :: Isles
International :: border
Disappointment :: constant
Sponsor :: Our
Second :: fiddle
Want to play, too? Just visit La Niña, that crazy chica at La Luna Niña and grab the word list for yourself. Respond in your own blog or right in the comment thread where you got the words. You'll have a memorable time...
MEME: Saturday Six - Episode 111
So I had my calendar a bit off last week. Though Sweeps did, in fact, end this past Wednesday, Katie Couric's departure from "Today" happens this coming Wednesday. Will you be watching? (No, that's not one of the six questions!)
But before the questions, it's time to recognize last week's "first to play," who turned out to be Cat of "Sweet Memes! Congratulations, Cat!
Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit! To be counted as "first to play," you must be the first player to either answer the questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific entry in your journal in which you answer the questions. A link to your journal in general cannot count. Enjoy!
1. What is the last museum you visited? What single item there most impressed you?
The Farnsworth Museum. That trip, it was the Alan Magee book covers collection.
2. What piece of computer equipment that you currently don't own would you most like to have?
A tape backup unit that had the capacity to back up my entire hard disk (160GB) on one tape in less than an hour.
3. Coca Cola has recently released a new drink called Coca Cola Blak, which is a mix of Coke and coffee. Have you tried it? Would you try it? What flavor of soda would you most like to see someone create?
No, haven't tried it, I have an inkling as to what it tastes like, having made the mistake many times in my past life to add coffee to what I thought was already coffee in my mug, only to discover it was the previous evening's Coke! Now that I'm a diagnosed diabetic, I think I'll give Blak a pass. They already make my favorite soda – diet Polar Half & Half – half grapefruit and half lime. Yowsah, yowsah, yowsah – that be tart, don'tcha know...
4. Take the quiz: Which flavor of tea are you? (Thanks to Charley.)
Which flavor of tea are you? (with images)
You are Green tea! Green tea is very healthy for you, and quite popular too.
It's not so much of a unique taste..yet it's not plain tea either.
When people have green tea, they are attached.
They usually drink it heal themselves as well.
Take this quiz!
Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
5. How do you like your tea? Iced or hot? Sweet or unsweetened? With cream or without?
Iced tea, no sweetening (How the pelican poop do you unsweeten tea without boiling it, condensing the steam and ruining the flavor? The usage is just plain wrong, Patrick.) Without cream, please. Just “black”. Lots of ice. Astringent, liquid cold sliding down the back of my throat to my wife's and my cardiologist's horror...
6. You see someone run out of a store with a wad of bills. Shortly afterwards, a store employee runs out of the store after him, but stops just outside the door when it appears that the person has run down the street towards a seedy-looking motel. If you assumed you had just witnessed the getaway in an armed robbery, would you drive into the motel parking lot in an attempt to find out what room number or what vehicle the person got into, or would you pay it no more attention?
Actually, I'd probably check to make sure no one in the store has been harmed during the presumed robbery. Then I'd wait until the cops arrived and give my statement. I no longer carry a gun on a daily basis, so chasing after the perpetrator, even if only to attempt to determine what room he might enter, is something I'd no longer feel confident undertaking.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Take time this weekend to 'Honor your dead, honor yourself'

"Honor your dead, and you honor yourself", it has been said. Not a bad piece of advice to keep in mind on this long Memorial Day weekend when the nation traditionally pays tribute to those who have fallen in service of their country.
Lord knows we have enough of them to remember. According to government records, more than 1.14 million Americans have died on military duty from the Revolutionary War through the current war in Iraq. For many of them, 'uncommon valor was a common virtue,' as Adm. Chester Nimitz said of Marines who died in huge numbers wresting control of Iwo Jima from the Japanese during World War II."{Click the link above to continue reading}
One Wrong Turn Deserves Another
Man sentenced for illegal re-entry
Saturday, May 27, 2006 - Bangor Daily News
A Mexican national who had been living in Jonesport was sentenced Thursday to 35 days in prison or time served for illegal re-entry after deportation.
Emiliano Ponce-Villa, 29, was arrested last month after he and the woman driving the car in which he was a passenger were refused entry to Canada at Houlton, according to court documents.
He is expected to be deported to Mexico again. Ponce-Villa was deported in 1999, according to court documents, but returned to the United States illegally two years later near Tecate, Mexico, across the border from San Diego.
{Click the link above to see the whole Bangor Daily News story}
Thursday, May 25, 2006
MEME: John Scalzi's Weekend Assignment #113: Travel Books

John Scalzi's Weekend Assignment #113: Travel Books
John Scalzi, AOL's paid blogging cheerleader, noodge and all-things-blogging guru is off to the WISCon this weekend, a convention of feminist science fiction fans in Wisconsin. He had this to say about his Weekend Assignment:
“I'm running around like an idiot doing last-minute things before I hop on a plane, so here's a quick and hopefully fun Weekend Assignment for you:
Weekend Assignment #113: Someone you know is traveling. Suggest a book or two for them to read on their trip. If at all possible, pick a book from the last couple of years. Also, keep in mind that it's meant to be a recreational book; i.e., they're not really reading to change their life, here, just to have fun.”
Dear John,
Funny how this sort of stuff pops up when we are frantically searching for our speech notes or hunting down that other dress sock or chatting up our wife on the phone while packing crap in our bags before heading out the door. Me, I blame Murphy. She's the cause of all this mess (yes, Murphy is a “she” -- what male in his right mind would screw so much stuff up, so badly, at the most inopportune time? Except maybe Satan, if you're so inclined.)
OK, this is different than recommending a book to read on vacation. For that purpose, I'd recommend Gene Wolfe's The Fifth Head of Cerberus, Samuel Delaney's Dahlgren or maybe Stephen R. Donaldson's series about Thomas Covenant, especially his latest one, Runes of the Earth (only 20 some years in the making).
But, you want something light, fun. Hmm. Not much of that in my library. OK, anything by Terry Pratchett. Or Carl Hiaasen. Both of those are safe and funny, in an adult way. Definitely not something you want someone serious to see you reading. Then there's Charlaine Harris' vampire-infested waitress, Sookie Stackhouse.
I think you won't go wrong with any of those, so long as you won't be meeting any important people, like your editor or someone.
Of course, if you have Krissy along, she might like the slightly more romantic Even Vampires Get The Blues which is Katie MacAlister's fun, sexy bit of fluff for a plane ride or a holdover at O'Hare.
There you go. Or as they said in the 60's, add those to your peace pipe and smoke it!
Tags: Weekend Assignment, travel, books, Scalzi
Wednesday Mind Hump – a day late and a dollar short

Rfduck, mememeister and musicologist extraordinaire, had this to say about that: “Hi everyone! Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks, cause it's Night Baseball Day!”
1. Do you prefer baseball games during the day or at night? Why?
I'm a night owl – so night games are right up my alley.
2. What's your favorite baseball team?
The Boston Red Sox – was there ever any doubt?
3. What's your favorite baseball park treat?
Beer. But, since I no longer drink, I'm down and jiggy with a Boston Red Sox “Red Hot” – that's a long hot dog in a natural casing that is dyed a bright red, the color of arterial blood when it's hit the oxygen in the air. Sadly, Tyson Foods bought them out and promptly closed their Portland, Maine, plant, ending the production of Jordan's Red Hots. Now all you can get at Fenway Park is a Hebrew National Kosher Frank. Very tasty, but not the same. Not the same at all...
4. Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron and Barry Bonds are in a home-run hitting contest. Everything's the same - bats, balls, etc. Who are you rooting to win?
Babe Ruth, hands down.
The rules are, there are no rules!!! All you need to do is copy and paste the above questions into your blog and add your responses. After you've finished, return here and leave us a comment so we'll know you've humped. Be sure your hump is linked back to so others can hump too.
Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. If one of the questions doesn't inspire you then simply "pass" it. Just use your imagination!
If you don't have a blog or you're an exhibitionist *woo hoo* feel free to hump right here in our comments section. There's absolutely no pressure ... although it's called the Wednesday Mind Hump you can hump on any day.
Stealing My Mind
I'm alive, part II: "I want to make a couple of announcements here:
#1-- I DO NOT HAVE CALLER ID!!!! No, unlike every other 'civilized' person on the face of the planet anymore, I don't know in advance whothefuck is calling me until I pick up the phone. That's why I OFTEN DO NOT PICK UP THE PHONE!!! It ain't no personal insult delivered at YOU.
#2--- I DON'T LIKE TO TALK ON THE PHONE!!! That's why I OFTEN DO NOT ANSWER WHEN IT RINGS!!! If you listen to the message on my answering machine, it is simple, honest and to the point. 'I'm not answering the phone right now. You know the drill: Hear the beep, leave a message.' If that pisses you off, I'm sorry. Get over it, or don't call back.
#3--- I WILL call you back if you left an important message. You know how often THAT happens? About once in a blue moon. 99.9% of the phone calls I receive are from telemarketers, 'friends' just wanting to bullshit because they are bored, or fucking WRONG NUMBERS!!! THAT'S WHY I don't jump through my Cracker ass to answer every time the phone rings.
#4--- I spent about 20 years of my life feeling my blood run cold every time the phone rang at home, especially at night or on weekends. That's because I received A WHOLE LOT of calls from work, and those were NEVER good news. In fact, a LOT of them involved a crisis bad enough that I had to crawl out of my warm bed, get dressed and drive to the plant [ wil = to a fire or building collapse ] at 2:00 AM. Like Pavlov's dog, I developed a conditioned response to phone calls. But unlike the dog, I learned to expect SOMETHING OTHER than a treat when I heard one. That's why I still DO NOT like phone calls today.
#5--- Unlike most other "civilized" people today, I don't have a phone in every got-dam room of my house. I have ONE PHONE, in my living room [ wil = in my office ]. (When I retired from work, I swore that I NEVER would have a fucking phone in my bedroom again, and I kept that oath-- see the reason above.) I also keep that ringy-dingy-thingy turned down as low as it will go so that I CANNOT HEAR IT when I am asleep in my bedroom. I do that for MY BENEFIT, not to INSULT YOU!!!
#6--- I've had some really bad health problems over the past few years. I just went through another one. I personally think that a lot of you people have incredible nerve to call someone VERY sick just to ask, "How are you doin'?" Would you REALLY feel better if I crawled to my ONE FUCKING PHONE, while I vomited and shitted all the way, to tell YOU that "I ain't doin' so good?" So that YOU could reply, "AW... I'm soooooo sorry, you poor baby."
#7--- If I need YOUR help when I'm sick, I'll call YOU!!!! Is that a concept so foreign to people with phone addiction that they can't understand it? If YOU feel a tremendous nursing impulse, an instinct you simply cannot deny, then try something TOTALLY DIFFERENT!!! Come to the patient's house, ring the doorbell and see if he WANTS your help, before you bug the living shit out of a sick man at all hours of day and night with PESTIFEROUS PHONE CALLS!!!
#8--- I am certain that all you people who bugged the shit out of me with pestiferous phone calls when I was deathly ill, MEANT WELL--- but you did me a lot more harm than good. Please---- don't EVER do that again."
Amen, brother. Amen.Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
Monday Music Mambo - Week 100 – Boogie Woogie Day
Rfduck, mememeister of the highly successful Monday Music Mambo, joyfully exposited the following into your dossier: “Hello fellow Mamboers! Ready for another week of music? This week's theme is great - it's Boogie Woogie Day!!”
“Boogie Woogie developed as a highly percussive piano-bassed music in the late '20s, and was characterized by a constant repeating rhythmic figure played by the pianist's left hand freeing the right hand for melody improvisation. Sometimes called "barrelhouse" piano, it helped popularize the "walking bass' form of accompaniment, still heard in the rock piano styles of pioneers like Jerry Lee Lewis. A danceable and joyful kind of music, boogie woogie included among its prime practitioners Jimmy Yancey, Meade Lux Lewis, Albert Ammons and Pete Johnson.” - from the entry on Boogie-Woogie music.
1. Name a few songs that make you want to boogie in your seat.
Honky-Tonk Train Blues, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B, Pinetop's Boogie-Woogie
2. Name a few artists who never fail to make you want to get up and boogie.
Jelly Roll Morton, Professor Longhair, and Big Joe Turner.
3. Drums, bass, attitude, speed - what do you think is the key ingredient to a great, boogie-woogie'ing hit?
No, no, no, no, NO! It's all about the piano. If there's no piano, it can't be boogie-woogie music.
4. Recommend a song to your readers to get them up and boogie'ing.
MEME: Monday Madness -- Simple Things
Simple Things...
Otto said, “Since we're remodeling, and have been for several months now, there are several things - simple things - that I have learned to appreciate more. Now for this week's challenge...”
“How many simple things have you learned to appreciate more, for one reason or another? Please list them and feel free to elaborate on each.”
Here goes:
Breathing – such a simple thing, you don't even notice it most of the time. Suddenly have a lung collapse, though, and it's a whole 'nother ball game, let me tell you. Nail beds turning purple, gasping and flopping around like a fish in the bottom of the boat – it's ALL bad.
Working -– being recognized as a worthwhile human being, validated by that blue-green pay check every week – that's something you don't grasp until it's gone.
Sex – it matters not if you're rich nor poor, fat nor slim, beautiful or ugly – having sex is wonderful on many levels, all of which are missed when it is gone.
A reliable car – getting in on a sub-zero morning, inserting the key and having that puppy turn over and fire up. I don't miss having to keep a vehicle plugged in so battery and oil pan heaters function, having to haul out a kerosene fueled salamander, trying to get THAT fired up so you can heat your pickup truck's engine – I don't miss it one little bit.
If you want to play along every week, just visit the Monday Madness World Headquarters and Recycling Center to pick up this week's questions and to leave a link to your answers in the comments there.
Cougar Sighted in Waldoboro
Story date: 05/17/2006
By Paula Roberts
"On May 6, the last thing Joanne Campbell, of Old Rt. 1 in Waldoboro [Maine], expected to see when she got up shortly after 5 a.m., to retrieve the daily newspaper was a mountain lion in her yard."
Maybe that's where all my wild cats are disappearing to...
From "Damned if you do -- Damned if you don't" Files
According to a report on WLBZ-TV2, "A man who didn't want his wife to become a mormon is accused of killing her and her son."
First you give them the vote. Then you kill them for making contrary choices ... what's a man to do?
Sunday, May 21, 2006
MEME: Sunday Seven - Episode 38
List your top seven blogging pet peeves.
Here goes:
Small print – these tired old eyes just can't take it anymore. Sometimes it is the fault of the software, sometimes the author. Regardless, STOP IT! Anything less than 12 for regular entries is relegated to “fine print” status and is only of interest for contracts and prize awards.
Blogging to hear yourself think out loud – sorry for the scrambled metaphors. Far too many of us assume the world is really interested in our brain farts. If it ain't funny, it just ain't so, kiddos.
Broken links to images.
Images that are too small, but aren't thumbnails – this is akin to #1 above. Tired eyes, etc.
Failure to give credit where credit is due. We are all guilty of this to some extent, but some of us are chronic offenders who need to get our heads out of our asses and realize that plagiarism can result in real world consequences (lawsuits, jail time, assassination attempts, death).
Music or video that I can not turn off. This was really bad with dial up. Still, I have no desire to listen to some gangsta hip hop at 4AM when I'm blog jogging because I can't sleep. The wife doesn't appreciate it, either. Better bet: make it an opt-in situation and we all win.
Browser blind side -- Failure to consider what your template may look like when viewed by browsers other than IE6 (boo, hiss). There are a lot of other, much better browsers out there, starting with the grandaddy of them all, Mozilla, and going on to Netscape, Opera, and more esoteric entries. If you are doing anything other than a plain vanilla template with black type on a white boundary, get the rest of the browsers and at least look at your blog to see if there are any obvious problems.
Whole hole and nothing (mostly) but the hole
John Scalzi's Weekend Assignment #112: Things You Have Other People Probably Don't
We all like to think we're a little different, and now here's a fun way to prove it: |
Dear John,
You are really getting close to the edge with this merde. What you been spiking that Diet Coke® with lately? What do you mean, “What?” This “showing off” stuff crapola, that's what! You plan on making a career change as a second story man and need a few hints where to start?
OK, so I hate this “whole my stuff is unique” idea. Then it occurred to me. That which I have, that I'll lay dollars to doughnuts (Dunkin Donuts, is there any other kind? No, don't even go there, Krispee Kreme Machine...) no one else participating in this little gynogenesistic exercise has – a hole over his head.
Probably should have used this as an entry in last Monday's “Photo Shoot” exercise, insomuch as it involved lying back in my big, comfy, nap desk chair, looking up and snapping a picture. But no, not me. I couldn't be that creative, so didn't participate. Instead, it's the unique “thingy” for this week's “assignment.” Any toad in a storm – without further ado, the whole hole and nothing (mostly) but the hole:

Meme: Unconcious Muttering -- Week 172

Week 172
4 hours, 19 minutes ago
I say ... and you think ... ?
Yours :: truly
Charcoal :: briquette
Platitude :: Do unto others...
Graduation :: nightmare
Hungry :: starving
Somewhere :: Over the rainbow...
Nurse :: wife
Freak :: show
Unbelievable :: lie
Walk :: funny
What kind of place is my mind in this week? Explore your subconscious by playing along. Just swing by La Luna Niña's place and snag the word list to bounce your mind off of. It's so easy, your baby sister could do it with both hands tied behind her back! Really! I've seen her do it...
MEME: Saturday Six -- Episode 110
Sweeps comes to an end on Wednesday, the same day Katie Couric signs off on "Today" for the last time. But even sweeps won't stop the Saturday Six!
But before the questions, it's time to recognize last week's "first to play," who turned out to be Kelly of "In My Opinion! Congratulations, Kelly!
Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit! To be counted as "first to play," you must be the first player to either answer the questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific entry in your journal in which you answer the questions. A link to your journal in general cannot count. Enjoy!
1. Do you believe in near-death experiences? Have you ever had one yourself?
I'm not really sure what you mean. Have I been very close to death? Yes, several times. In point of fact, I have died at least twice that I know about. CPR and paddles brought me back. Both occurred in an OR. Or, do you mean being shot at, or stabbed? I've experienced both; can't say I enjoyed them in the least. Better define your terms a bit better, don't you think, Patrick?
2. If you could have on DVD any old television show that you adored as a child, which show would you pick?
It's a toss-up between Bozo The Clown

3. At what age do you plan on retiring? Do you suspect that you'll keep working past that?
I didn't plan on retiring – retirement forced itself upon me and it's a poor fit. If I could return to work, I would. I miss working. I really miss the pay check.
4. Take the quiz: What kind of food are you?
This is a horribly simplistic quiz, btw.
You Are Mexican Food |
Spicy yet dependable. |
5. When is the last time you ate the type of food mentioned in your last answer?
Tuesday night.
6. What was the last photograph you took? Have you posted it online?
A photograph of cat cuteness. Unfortunately, the little bastard rolled over and sulked the second the camera came out of it's case. No, it is not posted online...
Friday, May 19, 2006
Enterprise? Do You Read Me?
A vital part of engineering has broken down on the Enterprise.
It's the laundry machine."
Thanks to Jason Goldman at "Blogger Buzz" for the link.
Just Dial James Bond 007...
Thanks be to WitNit for the link.
That's What They Make Seatbelts For, Dummy...
Witness: 'Worst Thing I've Ever Seen In My Life'"
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Meme: Wednesday Mind Hump
"All you have to do is . . . Name five things you can do with a rubber band. Get as creative as you like!"
To which I reply:
- Bind together a stack of mail. That's how I get all of my 1/4" X 3" circ. rubber bands.
- Use a bunch as auxilliary clamps while glueing woodworking projects, particularly blanks for turning on the lathe.
- Use a heavy duty, 1/2" x 1" circ. to hold together a lobster's claw, so it doesn't take a chunk out of you before it is cooked.
- Stretched thin, it can make a generic stringed instrument which may be plucked like a banjo or bowed like the double bass.
- A very small diameter, very heavy band that requires special pliars and strong hands to stretch can castrate a feeder hog in no time...
Monday, May 15, 2006
What Does YOUR State Intend To Do?
Realities of Real ID could spell trouble - Staff: "Realities of Real ID could spell trouble "
Monday Music Mambo - Week 99
RfDuck, mememeister of the Monday Music Mambo and Candy Factory let fly with this bit of hot air:
“Greetings mamboers! I don't like today's theme, so in honor of Mother's Day on Sunday we'll do a mother-themed meme.”
1. Name a few songs either about mothers or made by a mother.
The great album “Peter, Paul and Mommy” by the folk singing trio Peter, Paul and Mary comes to mind. Then there was that Willy Nelson song that started off with something like “Mothers, don't let your young ones grow up to be cowboys...” and that song about motherhood's (and fatherhood's) death before it began, The Ode To Billie Joe. Then there's "Mother's Little Helper" by the Rolling Stones and "Mother and Child Reunion" by Paul Simon .
2. What kind of music does/did your mother listen to?
My mother was just starting to like folk music when she passed away. During her lifetime, she liked Broadway show tunes, light jazz, swing and jitterbug music. Although, radio reception was poor when I was growing up, so we listened to a “Hit Parade” station out of Philadelphia when we got up in the morning, so long as there was no need to check on school closings. She hated it, but it got her night owlish body going (along with the half pot of coffee).
3. Which musician's mother do you want to thank for bringing him or her into the world?
I'd thank Masha Cohen, Leonard Cohen's mother, if I could. She passed away in 1978.
The rules are, there are no rules!!! All you need to do is copy and paste the above questions into your blog and add your responses. After you've finished, return here and leave us a comment so we'll know you've Mamboed. Be sure your Mambo is linked back to so others can dance too.
Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. If one of the questions doesn't inspire you then simply "pass" it. Just use your imagination and dance like crazy!
If you don't have a blog or you're an exhibitionist *woo hoo* feel free to Mambo right here in our comments section. There's absolutely no pressure ... although it's called the Monday Music Mambo you can Mambo on any day.
Until next time, this is your music-lovin' Mememeister saying have a good Monday and a good Mambo!
"I Cannot Tell A Lie" --George Washington
RECAP: John Scalzi's Weekend Assignment #111: Two Out of Three
The assignment was to state three “facts” about myself, all plausible, but only two true. I did that here. Below, you have the revelation as to which was true and which was false.
Once upon a time, I was a Boy Scout... TRUE
I used to work as an oiler on an LCT ferry that plied the waters of Lake Champlain between Burlington, Vermont and Port Kent, New York (or, as I used to think of it, “a hundred miles a day going nowhere”). This part is TRUE.
One day, I was polishing brass in the forward engine room of the MV Valcour while the Chief Engineer was in the stern. The Master became distracted by the ministrations of a cute, female deck hand and ran the vessel aground in the middle of the Lake, opening up a tear in the forward hull which spanned the bulkhead between the steering gear room and the engine room. The water filled the engine room so fast I had to swim to safety. I left the ferry boat business shortly thereafter.
FALSE. While this really happened ... it happened to someone else. I was the oiler on the other ferry on that run, the MV Champlain, and I was up to my ass in alligators helping the deck crew take off some 143 passengers from the Valcour.
3. My wife found me in an AOL chat room for adults and chatted me up because she was fascinated with something I'd mentioned in my AOL profile. Under 'favorite activities' I used to list “frog poaching,” among others. That got her attention!
All TRUE. For those of you who knew me on AOL, look up the profile of my old screen name (olddog299). If it's still there, it'll list “frog poaching” under hobbies and interests.
How'd you do? Thanks to all who played along and left comments. You're the best.
monday madness - tabula raza
Otto Said:
"I hope you all had a very good weekend! Thanks for playing Monday Madness, and have a blessed week ahead! Now, for this week's challenge...."
"Fill in the blanks..."
1. If I could change ONE thing from this past weekend, it would be _my diaper_.
2. One of my favoriet recipes includes _green-boiled peanuts and shrimp_.
3. If things don't go as originally planned, I tend to _fire randomly until I hit something_.
4. My daily routine is very _eclectic_.
5. The one television show I will probably miss, since the season is coming to an end, is _The West Wing_.
6. I have a calendar hanging on my _kitchen door_.
7. I'm really _lackadaisical_ about changing the calendar when the day/month changes. (Do you suppose that's why it still shows December, 2003?)
The Wooden Periodic Table Table
This way too cool. Click on any of the individual elements in the photograph of this actual, Wooden Periodic Table Table
and it takes you to a web page specific to that element.
I sure wish they had this when I was in high school. Chemistry is the only subject I ever found it necessary to take over, due mainly to inattention caused by severely overtaxed brain cells. Seems all the blood flow had gone to other regions of my body that year...
Bloody Users...
"Yeah, they're getting more "savvy" by switching from AOL to broadband providers without all the annoying bells and whistles. AOL had 26.7 million subscribers as of September 2002. As of the end of March, that number was down 22% to 18.6 million. I don't see that number rising any time soon either."Advertising better be making up the difference -- in another 8 years the company will be without paying customers entirely if the hemorrhaging doesn't cease.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
MEME: Sunday Seven - Episode 37
This week, a question about famous TV moms!
But first, Cat, of "Sweet Memes," was first to answer last week's question about quick meals. Congratulations, Cat.
On to the newest challenge!
Pick seven TV moms that you wouldn't want to have as your own mom. If you need some ideas to get rolling, you can visit this MSNBC article about the Five Best Moms, which features a ballot at the bottom with plenty of suggestions. (You don't have to stick to that list.)
Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. (To be considered "first to play," a link must be to the specific entry in which you answered the question.)
My answers follow – your mileage may vary:
Lily Addams of “The Adams Family”
Lily Munster, "The Munsters"
Sally Field as “Abby's Mom” “Maggie Wyczenski” on “ER”
Candice Bergen as “Murphy Brown”
Lucille Ball as “Lucy Ricardo” on “I Love Lucy”
Rosanne Conner “Rosanne”
Katey Sagal's “Peg Bundy” on “Married ... With Children”
"Come on, I lean" he said...
I agree the "quiz" sets up answers from two extreme positions and it would be nice to have a more moderate response potential. I'm actually much more of a Libertarian than I am portrayed below. But I'm still more conservative than Paul!
Your Political Profile: |
Overall: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal |
Social Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal |
Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal |
Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal |
Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal |
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal |
Unconscious Mutterings -- Week 171

Word associations -- a check up of brain health for the memory challenged; or,
How far round the bend have I come this week?
I say ... and you think ... ?
Immune :: deficient
Together :: again
Blank :: slate
Professional :: trouble
Thousand :: cuts
Penetration :: fire wall
Shutter :: storm
Upside down :: backwards
Neck :: 1st base
Unlisted :: number
Want to participate? Simply visit La Luna Nina's place and get what you need from Patricia.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Saturday Six - Episode 109
Finally a full-night's sleep! It's been one of those weeks, which is about the only kind of week I have during sweeps. But even a rough week won't stop the Saturday Six!
But before the questions, it's time to recognize last week's "first to play," who turned out to be Laura of "Adventures in Juggling! Congratulations, Laura!
Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit! To be counted as "first to play," you must be the first player to either answer the questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific entry in your journal in which you answer the questions. A link to your journal in general cannot count. Enjoy!
1. When is the last time you switched from one company to another for an important service? What made you switch? Did the company you were leaving try to make you a better offer to make you stay?
The last time I switched was last summer and the target was my long distance carrier. I was getting screwed blue and tattooed by MCI, as they'd discontinued my flat rate plan to a $5 a month by .07¢ per minute nights / .25¢ per minute peak rate. No, in point of fact, they tried to double charge me for the last month's service. To this day, they still claim I owe them $25 and change!
2. What emblem or logo was on the last coffee mug you drank from?
“Tour for the Cure” -- an American Diabetes Association mug my wife stole liberated from a friend from work.
3. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being a world-class chef and 1 being someone who can't even scramble an egg, how would you rate your cooking ability?
I'm an 8 -- a good cook. You don't get to be nearly 300 pounds on the hoof with no junk food intake unless you are. Further discussion may be found here
4. Take the quiz: Are you a good cook?
You Are an Excellent Cook
You're a top cook, but you weren't born that way. It's taken a lot of practice, a lot of experimenting, and a lot of learning, a lot of failures.
It's likely that you have what it takes to be a top chef, should you have the desire...
5. When was the last time you prepared a meal for someone other than yourself or those already living with you? Was it well received?
About a year and a half ago and it was very well received, thank you. But then again, lobster always is...
6. Since it is that time of year, what show's season finale are you most looking forward to? Which show do you wish would just go away?
The finale of The West Wing competes with Survivor Panama: Exile Island in my current affections. Things like American Idol are welcome to disappear; yesterday, if possible.
If you'd like to play along, have a Reader's Choice question you'd like to see asked (and answered), click the banner image above and then the e-mail link in the Blogger profile and send it to Patrick. Don't forget to leave a link to your answers in the comments over there, too.
Friday, May 12, 2006
MEME: Truth or ?

Old postcard of the Valcour before she was re-powered in 1990 – note the cooling water discharge (the modern engines use closed coolant systems).
Weekend Assignment: Present three "facts" about yourself: Two of the facts true, and one of the facts false. Let people guess which "fact" is the fake one. Reveal the fake fact on Monday. You don't want to give away the fake fact too early, so be sure to make it sound plausible, next to the other two real facts.
Extra Credit: Can you lie with a straight face? Really?
Dear John,
So I have to lie for you, do I? Well, I wish I could say it is difficult, but truth of the matter, I have had to lie about one thing or another most of my professional life, so why should this be any different? Then again, given the number of fictional works you've had published, it doesn't surprise me that you do such a fine job of mangling the truth, neither. Here's my three for you and the world to see.
Once upon a time, I was a Boy Scout. I was so into scouting that I made a special effort to return after living in Mexico to spend a week with my former troop members of Troop 64 – Carversville, Pennsylvania at Camp Ockanickon that I'd left behind when I moved to Guadalajara. During that week, I swam a mile, I hiked ten miles and finished up enough merit badges to become a Star Scout. I never had anything to do with the Boy Scouts ever again after that.
I used to work as an oiler on an LCT ferry that plied the waters of Lake Champlain between Burlington, Vermont and Port Kent, New York (or, as I used to think of it, “a hundred miles a day going nowhere”). One day, I was polishing brass in the forward engine room of the MV Valcour while the Chief Engineer was in the stern. The Master became distracted by the ministrations of a cute, female deck hand and ran the vessel aground in the middle of the Lake, opening up a tear in the forward hull which spanned the bulkhead between the steering gear room and the engine room. The water filled the engine room so fast I had to swim to safety. I left the ferry boat business shortly thereafter.
My wife found me in an AOL chat room for adults and chatted me up because she was fascinated with something I'd mentioned in my AOL profile. Under 'favorite activities' I used to list “frog poaching,” among others. That got her attention!
There you go, John. Three facts about me, two too true, one false. Answer as to which is the falsehood will be forthcoming on Monday. In the meantime, give your fine ladies a hug and spend some time on the lawn this weekend. Enough gallivanting about the countryside like a monarch butterfly migrating to Ontario, you've got work to do and a family to provide for.
Best Always,
PS Like you, I can lie to just about anyone, except my wife. I get the galdarndest look on my face when I even try...
Want to play along? Follow the link at the top and get your own copy of the weekly question. Leave a link in the comments on John's AOL Journal, By The Way, pointing to where you have answered this week's question. Above, have fun.
UPDATE: The Truth Has Been Revealed
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Wednesday Mind Hump -- Thanks Alot!
Rfduck, Mad Hatter of the Wednesday Mind Humpers, was heard to exclaim, "Hi everyone! I really like today's Mind Hump theme! It's Official Thank You Day."
1. Name two of your teachers from school whom you'd like to thank.
William Smith and P.J. Jones. Rest in peace, guys.
2. Name two friends you'd like to thank.
Doug and Betsy – you know who you are.
3. Name two celebrities you'd like to thank.
I can't think of any celebrities I'd want to thank for merely existing. Often, after viewing a performance, I want to thank the artist for a job well done, but in general, the acclaim, the riches, the elevation above the hoi poloi is more than enough thanks for these folk.
4. If you have anyone else you'd like to thank, you can thank them here!
Stuart and Dotty – a big thank you for making the scene ... Deb, thanks for everything, even though I was such a jerk. To my sweet patootie -- thanks for being.
And thank you to all who read here, lurkers and commentators both.
Of course, if you want to do more than two each, you certainly can!
I'd like to thank ALL of the readers and players on this site, and I'd especially like to thank Friday for giving me the opportunity to do these memes each week.
The rules are, there are no rules!!! All you need to do is copy and paste the above questions into your blog and add your responses. After you've finished, return here and leave us a comment so we'll know you've humped. Be sure your hump is linked back to so others can hump too.
Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. If one of the questions doesn't inspire you then simply "pass" it. Just use your imagination!
If you don't have a blog or you're an exhibitionist *woo hoo* feel free to hump right here in our comments section. There's absolutely no pressure ... although it's called the Wednesday Mind Hump you can hump on any day.
Until next time, this is your music-loving mememeister wishing you a happy hump day!
Posted at 12:43 am by rfduck the music-loving mememeister
Monday, May 08, 2006
Monday Music Mambo - Week 98
Rfduck, of the Once-Upon-A-Time Ducks, was heard to rail against the unfairness of it all, thusly: “Happy Monday, everyone! Today is National Military Appreciation Day! Lastly, even though I may not agree with the means and reasons, I'd like to give a big shout out to the military troops who volunteer their time and even their lives to ensure that we can keep mamboing!”
1. Name a few of your favorite (or just a few) patriotic songs.
America the Beautiful, Battle Hymn of the Republic, When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again, The Yanks Are Coming, US Marines Anthem (From the Halls of Montezuma), The Army Song (aka Caissons Song), Stars and Stripes, Yankee Doodle.
2. If you could send 2 songs and 2 albums to each soldier fighting overseas to cheer them up, what would you send?
Songs: Who Let The Dogs Out. Don't Worry, Be Happy. Albums: Black Eyed Peas -- Monkey Business and Coldplay – X&Y.
Why? Well, few folks can be down in the dumps when they hear either of the two songs, no matter how much they profess to being annoyed by them. The albums are the two hottest albums out there today and the guys and gals in our Armed Forces deserve the best.
3. People in the military fight for our freedom. One of those freedoms is freedom of speech. Name an artist or song that you think is a great example of free speech. George Carlin. No single entertainer has done more for freedom of speech in these united states in the past 40 years, in my obviously not so humble opinion.
In honor of the day, I'm flying my flag proudly. Are you?
If you'd like to play along at home on your blog, stop by the Monday Music Mambo Headquarters and Bagel Salon to pick up the questions every Monday morning.
MEME: Monday Madness -- Threesomes

On her way to bed and a well earned rest, Otto was heard to mumble, “Good Monday to you all! Have a great week, and thanks so much for playing!” :=)
1. List three words that describe YOU. Smart, cantankerous, irascible.
2. List three words that describe YOUR HOME. Decrepit, antique, foreboding.
3. List three words that describe YOUR TOWN. Suburb, residential, bucolic.
4. List three words that describe YOUR STATE. Cold, wet, mosquito-infested.
There's all the madness I can muster for this week. If you'd like to play along, you'll need to pay a visit to Otto's place, the Monday Madness World Headquarters and Massage Parlour. There, you can sign up for mailing lists, get buttons, leave links to your answers in the comments and have your name displayed on the honor roll. And it won't cost you a dime!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Sunday Seven - Episode 36
Last week, we dealt with the subject of breakfast. Now we'll deal with other meals of the day.
But first, Wil, of "The Daily Snooze," was first to answer last week's question about favorite breakfast cereals. Congratulations, Wil.
On to the newest challenge!
Name seven foods in your kitchen (including your refrigerator or freezer) or pantry that you could prepare as a meal in less than ten minutes.
cheese(s) – 4 kinds
baby spinach
Fry the bacon medium crisp, set aside and drain on paper. Pick over, wash, dry and slice mushrooms. Wash and dry baby spinach. Slice garlic and place with butter in a double boiler over low heat. Hard boil eggs, chill in ice water, peel, and slice thickly. On a large serving platter, arrange spinach as a bed, then strew the other ingredients artfully, breaking the bacon into medium pieces. Drizzle the melted butter and garlic over the whole thing. Open a bottle of Sauterne. It's called a Salade Nicoise. Usually served for supper with chunks of a fresh, crisp baguette. Good for the taste buds. Horrible for the heart. Fruit for desert. Yum!
And so it goes...