Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Monday Music Mambo - Week 101 Keep The Change!

Hi everyone! Have a good weekend? Today is Keep The Change Day, but I don't know how to make that into a musical meme. So we'll make a playlist instead.

A song you love a lot right now: My Humps – Black-Eyed Peas
A song that came out in your senior year of high school: White Rabbit – Jefferson Airplane
A song about a woman: Suzanne – Leonard Cohen
A song with curse words: Closing Time – Leonard Cohen
A song with a great guitar solo: The Star-Spangled Banner – Jimi Hendrix live at Woodstock
A song by a Canadian: The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald – Gordon Lightfoot
A song you hate: Macarena – Los del Rio
A song other people hate but you love: Nothing comes to mind. I like lots of things that some other folks dislike, but nothing comes to mind that everyone else dislikes. The joy of Jello for brains.
A song covered by at least two other bands or artists: Where Have All The Flowers Gone by Pete Seeger & Joe Hickerson, covered by The Lettermen, Peter, Paul & Mary, Bob Dylan, Marlene Dietrich, Jackson Browne & Bonnie Raitt, etc.
A song without vocals: Classical Gas – Mason Williams

The rules are, there are no rules!!! All you need to do is copy and paste the above questions into your blog and add your responses. After you've finished, return here and leave us a comment so we'll know you've Mamboed. Be sure your Mambo is linked back to http://bdinsanity.blogdrive.com so others can dance too.

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. If one of the questions doesn't inspire you then simply "pass" it. Just use your imagination and dance like crazy!

If you don't have a blog or you're an exhibitionist *woo hoo* feel free to Mambo right here in our comments section. There's absolutely no pressure ... although it's called the Monday Music Mambo you can Mambo on any day.

Until next time, this is your music-lovin' Mememeister saying have a good Monday and a good Mambo!

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