Monday, May 01, 2006

MEME: Monday Madnes -- Blankity-Blank!

So sayeth Otto: “Good Monday to you all! Let's fill in the blanks this week! Thanks for playing!” =)

1. Sleeping in for me means sleeping until _2PM_.
2. Staying up late means I don't go to bed until _after 6:30AM_.
3. I probably spend more time _gathering cobwebs_ than I would like.
4. And I don't spend nearly enough time _being productive_.
5. I have zero tolerance for _imbeciles_.
6. I have a lot of patience when it comes to _foibles_.

Get yourself on the mailing list so you know when this week's questions have been posted. Always have a link to the comments section. It's easy for you to do – just pay a visit to the Monday Madness Bed, Bath & Breakfast. You'll come back smelling like roses and well-rested.

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