Wednesday, May 03, 2006


BlogdriveInsanity: "Wednesday Mind Hump

Rfduck, intrepid thong commando and leader of the merry band of mind humpers was heard to say, "Hi humpers! Today is Tighty Whitey appreciation day. I don't think too many of you wear those, so we'll just do a Cinco De Mayo theme."

1. ¿Como Estás?
Muy bien, gracias. And by the way, I've worn tighty whities for years, as well as other styles.
2. Ever been to Mexico? If so, where? What did you do there?
Si. I lived in Guadalajara in 1964-65 with my mother and brothers the year before she died. I went to high school, chased skirts, learned how to dive and drink and all the other things a 15 y.o. horney guy does.
3. Do you like Mexican food? What's your favorite Mexican dish?
I do, indeed. We had a very young mestiza who cooked for us. My mother taught her how to cook Anglo food and she taught us simple Mexican dishes. But my true favorite was a dish we could only get in some of the higher class restaurants -- Turkey Mole (Steamed Turkey in a dark chocolate sauce). Truly an explosion of delight on the taste buds.

Want to play along? Just visit the World HQ and ask for his blogmeisterness. Long may you overcome the hump...

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