Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Catch Up Entry: Saturday, September 25, 2004

Patience, my pretties. Many
photos to load so go get a refill of Diet Cola and return -- they'll be
mostly loaded by then...

I've been lazy, the last week or so. Been meaning to write up our
jaunt down to the "Maine Organic Farmers' and Gardeners' Association's Common Ground Country Fair" last
Saturday (September 25, 2004).

You see ALL kinds at the fair!

It is an event I've been attending since it's inception some 26
years ago. I used to be almost religious about it, going down for
the whole run, working as a volunteer, camping at the
fairgrounds. I stopped when they moved to the present location
for some reason. Now I go by for a day or part of one, take a quick
spin through and call it good. The fair used to provide a ride from the
parking lots down to the entrance, but they've gotten to be so health
concious and high and mighty that the insist fair goers hoof the mile
or more to the main entrance.

Maybe that's why I stopped going? It isn't that I don't need the
exercise; I do. But the walk damn near gave SWMBO a heart attack. I
really don't like to see her in distress like that. It is
understandable that I am coughing and wheezing up my one lung and the
elastic stockings are screaming for release from the lymphodema in my
legs. Enough kvetching. We walked in.We walked out. Things could have
been better.

Wil & Friend - A Silent Woman!

Wil & Friend - A Silent Woman!

I spent most of the time at the fair watching a sheep dog
demonstration. I love watching dogs work. Ever since I was a
little kid I have enjoyed working dogs. And so I found myself some SRO
space at the fence where I proceeded to photograph the

Sheepdog Demo 1 Sheepdog Demo 2

Besides working with sheep, they showed off the versatility of the dogs
by herding 5 ducks.


Before the audience got too cocky, the brought a group of adults in and
let them attempt to achieve the same things without the dogs. The
were less successful.

Human Herders 1 Human herders 2.

Being a country fair, the young and old were there in abundance.
My wife was particularly taken with this young fellow and his dad,

Dad & Son 1 Dad & Son 2

while I had this little dear tugging at my beard when I sat down for 5
minutes during the humans attempting to capture sheep ordeal.

Cute critterette!

I do like the digital camera for things like that. I took perhaps
fifty shots; only a few are really "keepers".

Anywho, we spent the afternoon; I got my fill of sheepdogs for another
year, we saw some great yarn and some good fleeces. Had some fried
Maine Clams in organic Maine wholewheat tempura batter (not even as
good as it could have been and a damned sight poorer than a real clam

All the hues Michelle could want!

Here I am... too pooped to pop!

A tired Wil at the end of the afternoon.

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