Saturday, October 30, 2004

Saturday Six #29 - Halloweenies!

Tearing himself away from the television screen long enough to notice our existence, TV mogul, Executive Producer to the stars, Patrick deigns to ask the rabble a few questions in a feeble attempt to understand why we buy as much toothpaste as we do. Here without further ado and even less falderol, is Week 29 of The Saturday Six!

1. What is the most clever Halloween costume someone you know has worn (that you wish you'd have come up with yourself)?
I recall seeing a jaguar costume once that had my complete attention. The woman was a dancer and the costume was handsewn Lycra. No panty lines. Nigerian blue-black skin and expertly applied make-up. The transformation was electrifying
2. You're invited to a Halloween party that begins in one hour. You have to make a costume only from what is already in your house. So how would you dress up?
As a lumberjack; but, I could also do an odd walrus creature with an old mask on hand. Ko Ko Ka-choo!
3. What is the amount of the last check you wrote?

4. How many keys are on your key ring, and are there any that you've forgotten that you even had?
Seven; no, but I pare the daily ring down frequently.

5. Who was the last musical performer you saw live in concert, and was it worth the admission price? Frankly, I don't know. In general, I avoid concerts without fixed seating -- I do not like mobs -- I tend to become anxious and likely to kill the first stupid lout to step on my toes ... not good, what with today's intolerance for mayhem.

Wait! It just came back to me -- about 10 years ago, I saw Lyle Lovett and his Large Band live in concert. Worth the $50 bucks/head, but then again, he's one of my favorites.

DaBabysBack: What is your favorite day of the week and why?
Back when I worked 80 hours a week, Sunday was my favorite day as I could stay out late Saturday and sleep all day Sunday 3 times a month. The other Sunday I'd have to participate in on-site visits with a Planning Board in a very active community, development-wise.
Nowadays, they all the days run together...

Don't forget to get your own copy of the questions and leave a link to your answers over at Patrick's Place. Tell him "Wil sent me!"

Have yourselves a great weekend, folks. Make sure you examine the kiddies' candy before they get at it. If partying with strangers, drink only from a can or bottle you have opened and never let it out of your grasp... and have a care out there. The life you save may be your neighbor's kid.

Then again, if that zombie has gobbets of gore dripping from him, hitting him is a safe bet - nothing can kill the undead. I've already had my romp in the moonlight this week. It's a shame, too. I'd so like to feast on a wayward child again...

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