Monday, October 25, 2004

Monday Madness - My Monster

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Otto is in a strange, gholuish mood this week. That, 
or it's his "time of the month" -- almost a full moon! 
Here's what he had to say for himself this week:  
"With Halloween just a week away, I thought I'd use 
these great questions, offered by Bryn, THIS week! 
Thank you, Bryn! =) And thanks everyone, for playing!!" 

My monster has:
Eyes like _the blacksmith's coals, glowing
cherry red in the carbon depths of a
midwinter's night_
Teeth like _the carbide-
tipped cutters of the sawmill's blade_
Hair like _tendrils of seaweed, drifting in

an oily tide_
<>Face like _ground pork, lumpy, writhing
mass of strings of fat and proteins_

But no matter how _horrific_ my monster is,
I love her anyway...Just the way she is!

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