Saturday, October 02, 2004

Photo Phun

The Blogger News had the following this morning when I logged on.

Friday Fun

I started trying to track down the origins of this idea but then I realized that my sweater was completely unraveled. Still, a bunch of bloggers with cameras are having fun with it so here goes: Ask your readers to think of three photos they'd like to see posted to your blog. (Things around your house or whatever.) When you have enough requests, post them! See: How to post pictures for help. Have fun!
– Biz [10/1/2004 11:23:20 AM]

So, I'll give it a shot. Leave me a suggestion or two or three of things you'd like to see. I'll give it a few days, as I plan on being on the road this weekend peeping at leaves with the rest of the necrophiliacs. Then I'll post the photos you've requested. Sorry, no requests for nudes of SWMBO or moi will be honored. Identifying things like the exterior of my home probably won't be, either. If no one actually requests anything, I suppose I could post a series on road kill or something. Just kidding.

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