Sunday, August 07, 2005

Stupid White Guys, Unite!

Associated Press, Honolulu:

HONOLULU - Blowing conch shells and chanting Hawaiian prayers, some 15,000 people marched through downtown Honolulu Saturday to protest a federal court ruling striking down Kamehameha Schools' Hawaiians-only admissions policy as unlawful.

"We are outraged," said Lilikala Kameeleihiwa, a professor of Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawaii. "This is a great setback for our people. Here we are on our own homeland and we can't educate our children."

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled 2-1 on Tuesday that the private school's policy of admitting only native Hawaiians amounted to "unlawful race discrimination" even though the school receives no federal funding.

Hey. Do you know a Stupid White Guy (SWG)? You know, a white supremicist ?

Well, tell them to gather round, pack their sheets and hoods, for if they can do this to a private school in Hawaii, it won't be long before private white schools in the South and Montana and the like will be threatened with integration, for real. So if ever there was a reason for the Ku Klux Klan, the Aryan Nation, The John Birch Society, and all the rest of the twisted folks that happen to share my skin color to exist, it is this. Likewise, the remnants of the Black Panthers, SNCC, Rainbow PUSH, and all the other Black Pride organizations, including the Alumni society of Howard University should ALL be getting on those marching shoes – they're next, too. Oh yeah, let's not forget the Yiddish schools, the Polish Academies, Muslim, Buddhist, Shinto, Japanese-American Academies and Chinese enclave schools, Catholic Schools and all the other privately funded educational establishments who give almost-exclusive preference to their kind.

You are all in danger of being declared criminals. [And high time, too!]

It's about time for all the kooks and wingnuts to join in a massive rally in Washington, D.C. to protest this ruling. Let's plan it for August. The sight of fat white guys in sheets and little black grandmas in dhashikis, side by jowl, collapsing from heat prostration will make the Main Stream Media heartstrings positively sing! The drama! The ratings!

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