Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Waiting For Word

My wife and I anxiously await word from her sisters and their families. They both live in Louisiana towns hit by the eye of Hurricane Katrina. Early reports via other family members have the old three story buildings along the main street of Ponchatula collapsed into each other like so many dominos after standing in place since the Civil War.

We hope it is the destruction of the communications system and not a failure to evacuate (and subsequent likelihood that they are flooded out) that is the cause for silence. Time will tell. But for those waiting for word, the suspense is excruciating.

Update 1: Only some of the buildings were affected -- not all as first reported to me.

Update 2: We've heard through another family member that one of the sisters is fine, no damage to their home and no flooding, but still being held incommunicado by a lack of power and telephone. Awaiting word on the other sister, but expecting similar results as they are farther inland and out of the direct path of Katrina. Woot!

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