Sunday, August 19, 2007

MEME: Saturday Six -- Episode 174

Karma. It’s a royal pain the rear sometimes. (How’s that for putting it nicely?) Unless you don’t believe in it, in which case it’s just a weird-looking word.

That’s the topic of this week’s questions, in case you hadn’t guessed.

Before this week’s questions, Otowi of “Otowi” was first to play last week. Congratulations!

Here are this week’s “Saturday Six” questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal…but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit! To be counted as “first to play,” you must be the first player to either answer the questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific entry in your journal in which you answer the questions. A link to your journal in general cannot count. Enjoy!

1. What is the most unlucky thing that has happened to you all week?
Fell down some steps and sprained my knee.

2. Do bad things happen more often to good people or bad people? I'd wager there's more “good people” than “bad people” in the world, so the preponderance of “bad things” must, therefore, happen to “good people.”

3. How much do you believe that you can improve your outlook in life (from a “fate” perspective) by doing good deeds and correcting past wrongs? Not being a “believer” I must conclude, “Not at all.”

4. Take the quiz: What will happen to you in the future? Stupid Quiz Alert. I am average. My friends are average. My future is average with a downward trend. Life sucks – go eat worms...

The Quiz of Luck - What Will Happen In Your Future?

Hello average (wo)man. Your future looks not good but not bad. You will have an average job. This job will seem average or good to everybody, but I am afraid that that is the best that I could tell you. If this stuff you are reading is wacko to you, please ignore it and read all possible answers and just pick one you like and take it for yourself. Do not feel disappointed if the stuff you are going to read right now is going to disappoint you. The college you went to or is going to go to was or is going to be above average, and it is known. If you tell somebody that you went to that college at that time they would say that it was good and they have heard of it. You have a number of people that are your friends Not too much and not too little. You may have heard of the word average right? Yes, that is the number of friends you have. I sure hope you have a happy life right now because you will go WEEEEEEEEE down. When you are older, adults and mostly kids will make fun of the baldness of your head even if you are a woman. Sorry. I knew that you were relieved for a moment but too bad now. It seems like you wont ever want to go out because kids will make fun of you. The good thing is that you will have the energy/strength to walk, but you wished that you didnt so you wouldnt have to go out. Sorry little (wo)man. Youll be stuck in a hospital after all of that happens. Youll die when you are 94. You wanted to commit suicide when you were about 92 the year you went to the hospital. How weird. Youll die on your birthday, too. Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code

5. Do you believe in fate, coincidence, or both? Coincidence, “an event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental,” according to the dictionary, I can accept, tenuously, although I place most of the emphasis on “accidental” rather than “fate” or intentional happenstance.

6. Overall, when “bad things” happen, how often do you believe the victim generally “had it coming?” That'd depend entirely on my personal feelings about said individual. Insomuch as I acknowledge no intentional causative force by being or beings unknown, it really can't be said they had “it” coming, going or igniting the New York Times, now can “it”?

Want to play along, Bunky? Want a clean copy of the questions? Never done this before? Just click on the “Saturday Six” banner above. Follow the directions. Don't forget to wear your galoshes...

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