Unconscious Mutterings:: Free association
is described as a "psychonanalytic procedure in which a person is encouraged to give free rein to his or her thoughts and feelings, verbalizing whatever comes into the mind without monitoring its content." Over time, this technique is supposed to help bring forth repressed thoughts and feelings that the person can then work through to gain a better sense of self.
That's an admirable goal, but for the purposes of this excercise, we're just hoping to have a little fun with the technique. Each week I'll post ten words to which you can respond to with the first thing that comes to mind.
"Rules are, there are no rules." There are no right or wrong answers. Don't limit yourself to one word responses; just say everything that pops into your head. AND you don't have to have your words up on Sunday. Take all week if you want! Read the FAQ for more information.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Words were posted 1 day, 18 hours, 46 minutes ago
I say ... and you think ... ?
Amazing:: Kreskin ( an old magician, in case you were born after 1980)
Delights:: afternoon
Inspired:: rendering
Disgusted:: repulsed
You:: and me and baby makes three
Vagina:: yoni
Palm:: hearts of
Sweetheart:: SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed)
Guilt:: I have some...
More to come:: After the break
Want to play along? It's easy. Just swing by La Luna NiƱa's place and grab this week's words and supply your responses on your own blog or in the comments over at that crazy chica's virtual abode. What could be simpler? And you know, I can guarantee you won't be burning no more tortillas if you do as I say and only stoke the fire a little at a time, mi gordita corazon ...
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