Monday, September 24, 2007

MEME: Sunday Seven - Episode 108

This week I updated the look of this blog and the graphics for the Saturday Six and Sunday Seven. It took me several weeks of searching to find a template that I liked and felt would be relatively easy to customize.

But I had to search through a lot of blog themes. And that got me thinking about what makes some themes better than others. Some have lots of extra features, some are bare-bones. But what if you had the chance to work with a theme designer to build your own “perfect” theme? What would you require?

That’s this week’s topic.

Before first, Kelly, of “In My Opinion,” was also first to play last week. Congratulations, Kelly!

On to this week’s question!

Name seven “must haves” for your ideal blog design.

  1. Ease of amendment.

  2. A bloglist

  3. A weather widgit

  4. A comment system that works

  5. A music or video widget

  6. RSS and atom feeds

  7. CSS templates that are adequately commented by their creators so dummies like me can figure them out

    Click the title above to get yourself a blank question and the venue to leave a link to your answers. That is all.

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