Sunday, April 09, 2006

Meme: Saturday Six -- Episode 104

Saturday Six - Episode 104

This week's edition of the Saturday Six wraps up the second full year of this weekly meme. Thanks to everyone to decided to play and for spreading the word. There is a special kind of question among the six this week, and similar questions will appear as older versions of the Six from the original blog are reposted here.


Last week, Laura of "Adventures in Juggling" was first to play last week. Congratulations, Laura!

Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit! To be counted as "first to play," you must be the first player to either answer the questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific entry in your journal in which you answer the questions. A link to your journal in general cannot count. Enjoy!

1. Researchers in France have announced that they have developed a "mirror" that uses digital technology plus user input about diet and exercise to determine what you will look like in 10 years. So if you found yourself before such a device, would you want to have a look?
Sure, sounds fascinating. Given it was developed by French researchers, I wonder if I'll have hairy armpits?
2. Have you done your taxes? If not, when will you finish them?
Not yet, not sure when they'll be done. If needs be, we'll file for an extension.
3. Has the amount you owe or the amount you're getting back (or what you expect the outcome to be) likely to get you to change how much your employer withholds? Why or why not?
If it turns out we owe a lot more than originally anticipated, then yes, I'll suggest the withholding be increased.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): Should you quit your job?
I'm unemployed. What do you think?

Your Job Dissatisfaction Level is 67%

Your job is a total bummer, and probably the worst job you've ever had.
Your co-workers stink. Your boss is a jerk. And your company is probably in trouble.
Think about finding a new job quickly, even if it's just a not-so-great transition job.
You've got to get out of there as quickly as you can!

Should You Quit Your Job?

SECOND CHANCE TO BE FIRST TO PLAY QUESTION #1: The Saturday Six began on April 17, 2004, on the old version of "Patrick's Place" over at AOL. When everything moved here, the old comments weren't able to follow. Cdmmw of "I've Got A Fever, and the Only Prescription is More Cowbell" already has a first "link" to her questions on that entry. But for the rest of you, here's your chance to be the first one to answer those original six questions in a comment. For this question, leave your answers in a comment here.
Sorry, I already answered it here. None of this comments stuff for me... BTW, congratulations and thanks are due Patrick for keeping the likes of you and me entertained for the past two years, too.
READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #87 from springsnymph: Suppose you're given a box containing a substantial amount of money and it's yours to keep and use however you wish. If and when you open it to retrieve the cash, someone you don't know in another state, country or perhaps even across town will drop dead instantly. This will happen only the first time you open the box. Would you open it?
If you have a Reader's Choice question you'd like to see asked (and answered), click the e-mail link in the Blogger profile and send it to me Patrick.

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