Friday, December 29, 2006

John M. Scalzi's Weekend Assignment #145: 2007 Resolutions

Weekend Assignment 145:
Make at least one resolution for 2007.

Extra credit: Did you keep your resolutions for 2006?

Dear John,

How fortuitous of you to ask this question, what with New Year's Eve fast approaching and all. And dude, just how synchronous can this old world be, when this “New Year's Resolution Generator” link showed up on several Live Journal blogs tonight that I regularly read?

In the year 2007 I resolve to:
Figuring out why I really need 7 e-mail addresses.

Get your resolution here.

I mean, is that wild, or what? I don't make it a habit to make New Year's Resolutions. I made none for 2006 that I can remember keeping and what appeared here reminds me that I broke with the past last year to make some, much to my sorrow. Anyway, I have managed to avoid the imposition of a resolution by your fluffy friend, as well as the 14 or so felines that share either the house or the great outdoors (PETA members, read “cellar” rather than outdoors when temps are cold enough to justify burning a stove to keep pipes from freezing – the cats come in and out at will). Although, Lexy Cat is tugging at my sleeve with a list of demands involving fresh litter every day, salmon soufflĂ© on Saturdays and No Shots Ever! on the top of the petition on her clipboard...

So do your best with keeping your resolves and protecting the lives and interests of your loved ones. I'll be seeing you farther down the trail, Buckaroo...


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