Saturday, March 05, 2005

Saturday Six - Episode 47

Use as directed! Either answer the questions in a comment at Patrick's Place, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit! If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment there. To be counted as "first to play," you must be the first player to either answer the questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific entry in your journal in which you answer the questions. A link to your journal in general cannot count. (And if you're playing for the first time, please be sure to say so in the comment!) Enjoy!

1. What is your favorite color for an automobile? Is your car this color?
Red! Yep, my car is. The wife prefers silver.

2. You decide to start a diet on Monday. What is the "bad food" meal that you must have "one last time" over the weekend?
Fried Chicken - KFC Extra Crispy.

3. How do you balance your checkbook? In your head, with a calculator, or with software?
In my head I carry a running total, but check my account online to see what has or hasn't cleared.

4. How many of the Oscar® winner movies did you see before the awards this year? Sad to say, none. I'm boring, I know.

5. In what room of the house do you find yourself the most comfortable and why? The "living room" which is the former parlor. It's our everyday room, with TV, stereo, good reading light, sofas and, most important when surrounded by permafrost, it's where we have heat.

Scott: What is the "one thing" that the mere mention of sends shivers down your spine?
Burns. As a firefighter, the risk of serious burns was always present, but it wasn't until I transported a boy with 85% third degree burns (he later died) to the burn unit in Boston that I truly came to appreciate the horror. Now the sight of third degree burns makes my scrotum tighten and my gorge rise.

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