Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Belated Wednesday Mind Hump

A Belated Wednesday Mind Hump – Because I couldn't gain access on Wednesday and never did get around to rechecking until now...

RFDUCK was heard to utter the following in frustration after trying to access his meme blog:
“Hello again! Let's do another Mind Hump. Today is National Geek Day, so let's geek it up!”

Star Wars or Star Trek? -- Star Trek
Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter? I like them both, but LOTR is the better of the two.
Internet Explorer or Firefox? Firefox. Or Opera. Netscape is best.
iPod shuffle or iPod Nano? Neither – a SanDisk Sansa – I won't give in to the absurd licensing terms imposed by the RIAA through Apple.
Camera phone or mp3 phone? Until the camera phones are an affordable 3 MP, neither.
Dilbert or Jon from "Garfield"? Dilbert

And of course, the big question

Mac or PC? Neither – a Unix (or Linux) box is best.
Put that in your geek pipe and smoke it!

The rules are, there are no rules!!! All you need to do is copy and paste the above questions into your blog and add your responses. After you've finished, return here and leave us a comment so we'll know you've humped. Be sure your hump is linked back to so others can hump too.

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. If one of the questions doesn't inspire you then simply "pass" it. Just use your imagination!

If you don't have a blog or you're an exhibitionist *woo hoo* feel free to hump right here in our comments section. There's absolutely no pressure ... although it's called the Wednesday Mind Hump you can hump on any day.

Until next time, this is your music-loving mememeister wishing you a happy hump day!

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